Special 6 Principles Preview!

The 6 Principles for True Success VIP Bundle Comes with $7,700 in Transformative Program Bonuses!

Experience the entire first class of The 6 Principles for True Success Course, where we explore the power of aligning with Source/Universe to unleash magic and miracles into your life.
We dive deep into the 1st Principle: "I am loved by Source."
Don't miss this!

Prefer a shorter version of the first the 6 Principles Class?
Enjoy the 15-minute sneak peek below about BELIEFS, where we distinguish the difference between a “belief” and the TRUTH!

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This is your FINAL CHANCE to say "YES" to YOU!

* Final Registration for this Course ends this Sunday, July 18th at Midnight Pacific! * 


Rikka’s 6 Principles for True Success

An immersive, 6-week online Masterclass that includes 9 interactive hours of guidance and support consisting of:

  • 6 Weekly 90-minute Livestream Video Phone Calls - (replays available)
  • 6 journaling worksheets to help embody the Principles in your life
  • Private online Masterclass Membership site to connect with other students, ask questions and continue the conversation
  • Morning & Evening audio recordings to help you begin and end your day in alignment with the 6 Principles
  • Quick 5-minute audios you can listen to anytime throughout the day when you need to overcome issues, obstacles or stress using the 6 Principles

When You Sign-Up for The 6 Principles for True Success, You’ll Also Receive These Amazing Bonuses:

12 Morning & Evening Neuropathway Activations $297

One of the quickest ways to create new habits that ensure lasting and permanent energetic transformation is to build new neural pathways in the brain. These 12 neuropathway activations will set the vibration and reality of the 6 Principles into your energetic field. All you have to do is listen and accept and each day and night you will effortlessly experience a greater and greater level of alignment.

Success Workbook $197

This workbook will give you hands-on application exercises designed to align your conscious mind with the truth of your new Source aligned reality. As you respond to each question you will feel ownership and integration of each of these principles into your life.

Turning Fear Into Rocket Fuel for Your Success $397

What do you do when fear, anxiety, or worry come up, and how do you not let fear stop you? During this audio program, I will walk you through the energetic process of how to turn fear into rocket fuel for your success so that fear will never stop you again! This process will un-trap the energy and bring you back into alignment with love.

12 Real Life Application Audios $297

How do you step into alignment fast when you find yourself out of alignment? Like your kids have pushed your buttons, your running late and stuck in traffic having a mini anxiety attack, you’re credit card bills have you in a panic of fear and worry, etc For all these real-life moments, you can use these 12 Real Life Applications.

In these short audios, I will walk you through the 6 principle process on the day to day struggles that you're having. They are each 5 mins. or less and bring you into total alignment right when you need it. You can download them to your phone and play them whenever you need.

Harmonizing Past Hurt Into Love $397

When your past traumas don’t heal correctly they become chronic energetic wounds that surface in our everyday lives-- keeping you from alignment with the life your heart truly desires. During this 2 hour audio program, I will walk you step by step through healing those wounds from your past, so that you can stop re-experiencing them in your present. You will also receive a 30 minute audio called, Setting You Free From The Collective Hurt, and a 5 minute Bringing Your Energy Back to Love Audio.

9 Powerful Sessions to Bring You Into Higher Consciousness $297

Get lifetime access to the Uniting In Higher Consciousness Symposium Sessions from the world’s most accomplished and influential transformational leaders. Be guided through processes that feed your soul and bring you into higher states of consciousness so you can begin manifesting your most miraculous life.

9 Incredible Bonuses from the Symposium Speakers $3,124

Receive the most incredible bonuses, valued at $3,124, from 9 of the world’s transformational leaders. These are programs that each speaker sells on their website, but you can add them today to your personal library for free! You’ll have months of incredible programming to experience along with group coaching calls and mastermind memberships!

2 Ticket to Rewriting Your 6 Essential Energetic Programs 3-Day Live Event in Sedona, AZ. August 20-22, 2021  $997

Source energy is flowing infinitely, endlessly and abundantly through everything and everyone. During these 3 days together I will assist you to rewrite your core patterns to release the illusion of separation and embody your Divine self.

(Live stream option available)


We are living in an unprecedented time on the planet.  It is more important now than ever that we, as beings of higher consciousness, choose to show up and be the change that we want to see in the world!  That’s why for the first time ever, when you sign up for the Six Principles Masterclass, you receive a BRAND NEW bonus Coaching Track! This is a special 30-minute coaching training with me after each weekly module training (that's an additional 3 hours of trainings).

During this section, I will pull back the curtain and show you how to be the vibration and consciousness that creates change in people’s lives.

So whether you are interested in coaching one-on-one or group classes, or simply want to develop your skills for holding this higher consciousness for your children, partner, family or friends… you’re going to love getting to participate in these 30-minute bonus Coaching Tracks.


You’ll receive…

  • The energetic “how to” be the consciousness and vibration that creates massive transformation in others
  • Powerful insights on how to facilitate others out of any limitation and into their true infinite creator self
  • Begin to activate your Source Superpowers and learn how to apply your abilities to create transformation in your life, and other’s lives
  • Raise your awareness to a more advanced level of consciousness as you step into “how” to create transformation for others. This will also greatly benefit you in your life!
  • Learn how I open up, access Source, and "do" what I do, so that you can open up, access Source, and do what you do.
  • Get the inside scoop as I show you the "how" and "why" behind my facilitation processes.

Why?  Because now is the time!  The world needs you to show up and shine as who you truly are - to be that beacon for others to do the same!

My guides and angels asked me to offer these special Coaching Tracks for The Six Principles Masterclass participants so that you can step into more of who you truly are and be the difference that you came here to be.  It’s time for you to make the impact that you came here to make! Let's do this!

Check Out What Happened When These Students Began Using the 6 Principles...

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