
Angel Activation + Q&A Call

Free Livestream Call with Rikka
Thursday, September 6 at 6pm Pacific

On this call we will:

  • Answer your questions about the upcoming retreat. If you’re still vacillating, this is your chance to get your questions answered
  • Experience a juicy activation to begin the process of awakening your angelic self.
  • Meet your angelic guides! I will facilitate one or two participants by calling in their angel guides and sharing their messages.

If you are still on the fence, then please don’t miss this!

We are going to LIGHT UP, laugh and play with our angels as we prepare for the most magical 7 days together!

Sign Up for the FREE Livestream!

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This Livestream Call is designed to set the energetic groundwork for my upcoming 7-day retreat on the Big Island of Hawaii called, Awakening Your Angelic Self. Whether you’ve already registered, are “on the fence” or can’t attend, I still encourage you to join the call! It will introduce you to your angelic guides who want to bring peace, ease and grace into your life.