Live with Rikka Zimmerman
Kona, Hawaii - September 23-29, 2018
Are You Ready to Ignite Your ANGELIC Experience?
Join us in Hawaii to expand your frequency and ascend into alignment with your angelic experience here on Earth!
Everything changes when you begin to emit your own angelic frequency--that of pure Love. Rather than absorbing the frequencies around you, you begin imprinting your intent on the Universe, which then mirrors back your intentions!
During 7 miraculous days, Rikka will introduce you to your Angelic Self with new advanced tools that are only available within the highest Love vibration in perfect alignment.
Using this potent alignment, you will be guided step-by-step into creating the life and experiences of your choice using the ancient secret of the Mirror Universe.
Join Rikka for 7 Miraculous Days in Hawaii

During this week-long Retreat with Rikka, you will:
Ascend Into Alignment with Your Angelic Self
- Align with the 6 Principles of Source which will transform you into a vessel flowing with angelic light and love
- Step into your rightful place as angelic co-creator with God, so that you can have anything, be anything and create anything
- Accept the highest vibrations of love, joy, and peace as the new you, so that you can be vibrationally compatible to embody the Angel you truly are
- Reawaken your unique angelic senses so that every part of your experience brings you into a level of absolute ecstasy
- Enter into the Kingdom of Heaven here on Earth and begin a life of magic and miracles beyond belief
Awaken Clear Communication with Your Angelic Team
- Hear the exact words your Team of Angels are speaking to you, as real as talking with a friend on the phone
- Receive the divine gifts, talents, and abilities that the Angels are holding for you
- Feel your Angels’ presence around you always, easily called on to manifest anything
Unlock Your Angelic Manifestation of Miracles
- Learn how to effortlessly collapse old timelines and quantum leap into your chosen higher vibrational life
- Master new advanced Angelic tools and techniques for magical manifestation
- Instead of working hard, receive the gift of having miracles MANIFESTED FOR YOU in your body and life by God and the Angels
- Jump for joy as you remember how to play with your angelic team and manifest magic as life
Get Ready To Receive the Big Island’s SACRED Gifts
This year’s experiential retreat is designed to bring us into total alignment with the Angel we truly are as we play with the high vibrational energy that is present on the beautiful Big Island of Hawaii.
During Our 7 Days Together We Will:
- Communicate with the Dolphin Angels—a communication beyond words—as they bless you with frequencies of light to awaken latent potential within your body and spirit
- Allow the Ocean Angel, Manakel, to wash away your old timelines that keep you “stuck” in repeating patterns. This will help you let go of old pain and trauma, so you can move into an Angelic vibration
- Allow the Angels to fully participate in your life experiences so you can rest in trusting every moment as you feel their love -- allowing your life to be effortless and joyful
- Become best friends with the infinitely talented Angels that have been assigned to your life so you can co-create a life beyond your wildest dreams
- Discover your Angelic Magic Wand so you can create the relationships, unconditional love, wealth, happiness, and freedom you’ve always wished for

All this and more is waiting for you in paradise!
If you’re ready to receive your powerful Angelic abilities and manifest your greatest life, then this Retreat is for YOU!
Here’s A Glimpse of Your Typical Day…

Each day will include facilitations of potent, palpable, vibrational shifts into new angelic dimensions in a variety of interactive sessions that will infinitely expand your life and allow you to live in Heaven on Earth!
You will be guided to fully express the angelic light that you truly are... where just breathing lights up your body, your heart, and the world around you!
Everything will align for you and you will experience an entirely new echelon of energy, joy, and complete ease and fulfillment.

A Most Excellent time. With 150 of the most amazing beings on the planet, we entered realms of energy and love that are truly divine. I've gotta wait for the recordings of the class to find out what was happening. (Grin). So much Love, such wonderful people. Dang, I'm gonna have to get a new set of words to describe it!
Love Light and Sparkles!
Bill Scott, Colorado
I have been on the transformational path for 5 years and after much searching, seeking and striving this has finally brought me home...to me.
Melissa Bradley, founder of Love Your Magical Life
I released so much stress and tension in this class; I feel I have been lifted into a whole new way of being.
Clare R., Ireland
Daily Schedule
Wake Up to The Singing of Island Birds
Wake up early to the music of the indigenous birds who reside at the gorgeous Mauna Lani Resort. Start your day with a walk on the beach or meditate to connect in to the peace of the Island.
Morning QiGong
Let your body relax and flow as it integrates the powerful transformations into every cell of your being and all your energy layers.
Delicious & Healthy Food
Nourish your body with a healthy, delicious breakfast offered at the Resort or go off site to a nearby eatery just minutes up the road.
Inspiring Music to Fill Your Soul
Be welcomed to class with uplifting, inspiring music to prepare you for what will be a transformational day, guaranteed!
Morning Session with Rikka
Laugh, learn and play as Rikka takes you through morning meditations and facilitations. Each retreat is tailored specifically to the energy of the participants and this is where you will make some of your biggest breakthroughs and transformations.
Island Play
At break you may be given an "island play" assignment. Take time to practice mindfulness down at the beach by connecting with the water - our life-force energy. Or you and a partner do an exercise with one another in the beauty of the sun, the ocean views, the palm trees in the wind!
Celebration & Dancing
After break get pumped up in class to some FUN, soul-enlivening music and dancing with Rikka and your fellow retreat-mates to prep you for more stimulating facilitation with Rikka.
Afternoon Session with Rikka
Rikka will guide you into your own Divine, sacred nature--opening your intuition and unleashing the magnificent light within you!
Swimming with the Dolphins
It may be Dolphin Swim day, where you will have the opportunity to have your entire world be blown away by swimming with the wild spinner dolphins and experiencing life-changing downloads from these multi-dimensional beings. Grab your suit, sunscreen, and underwater camera, and get ready to have the most magical day of your life!
Sunset Singing Bowls & Rikka's Songs
At day's end, the group may go to the water and take in the stunning Hawaiian sunset together, while having our bodies be nourished and aligned with Rikka singing to powerful, high-vibration singing bowls. You will join her in song and celebration as we make stunning music together to end just one of 7 perfect days.
Evening with YOU
The rest is for you to meditate, walk, swim, read, visit with your fellow retreat-mates, pontificate on the day, and simply marvel.
During this week-long retreat, you’ll experience powerful teaching, activations, facilitations and experiences that will finally allow it ALL to make sense, as everything aligns and you experience an entirely new echelon of energy, joy, and complete ease and fulfillment.
Will You Join Me At The Beautiful MAUNA LANI BAY HOTEL & BUNGALOWS On The Big Island?
The Mana Lani Bay Resort is across island (and it's a Big Island!) from the erupting Kilauea Volcano. You can check current conditions and get more detailed information on the volcano by clicking here.

68-1400 Mauna Lani Drive
Kohala Coast, Hawaii 96743
Tel: 808-885-6622
Transportation and directions to and from Kona airport (KOA): CLICK HERE.
TO GET YOUR SPECIAL ROOM BLOCK RATE, GO HERE. Please don't wait as the room block fills up quickly.
* You will be responsible for making your own travel & accommodation arrangements. Travel, lodging, and food are not included in the Retreat price. *
At the Hawaii retreat, I gave myself the permission to let go, and let the emotions of anger and rage scream out of my system. On the other side, I felt a blissful, sensual feeling. Upon returning from the retreat, I’m enjoying a job that I had resented and detested before Hawaii, I’ve changed the people I’m spending time with and feeling at peace. I’ve been laughing at the the craziness at work; I feel no anger, no guilt, just calm. It is a beautiful feeling that I didn’t think was possible!”
Linda California
This Retreat is Like Nothing You’ve Ever EXPERIENCED Before!

Every nano-second of the Hawaii retreat is designed to authentically empower you to embody your highest angelic self!
Each retreat is customized to the specific energy, needs, desires and karma of those in attendance so that I can specifically help you step into a total transformation.
Even in this group setting, I will be able to work with your energy one-on-one so that whatever dreams you are hoping to manifest can come true. Whatever hurdles you are ready to overcome can be removed. And I can open the door to your chosen reality and help you step through.
I will show you how to:
- Step into the vibrations of bliss and joy beyond your wildest imagination
- Immerse yourself in the Universe of Love that you truly are
- Release old patterns that are keeping you “stuck” – even if you’re not aware of them. This will help you let go of old pain and trauma, so you can begin again from a brand-new space of creation
- Gain a deep sense of how loved you are, which you’ll carry with you every moment of every day
- Feel a sense of freedom and spaciousness that is greater than anything you’ve ever experienced before
- And more!

Plus, you’ll also learn from my carefully-selected energetic superstars, who will be there to support you and your vibrational expansion as much as possible during this week of total AWESOMEONESS!
These extra classes are specially chosen to give you even more tools for your self-love toolbox, so you can create the magnificent life you know is possible!
The Nature of Your Highest Self-Healing Session with Nikole Kadel

Join Nikole as she masterfully guides you in surrendering fully to your divine connection with this earth, so that you and your body can receive, energetically supported in every moment. Just imagine receiving contribution from everywhere and everything! During this class, you’ll tap into a world of magical vibrational frequencies that we don’t even have words for! The Earth and you are connected in Oneness! The elements of the Earth are the elements of your body. There is no separation.
Morning Qigong and Energy Movement with Bill Smith!
We ask Bill to teach at our events to help our bodies integrate and flow with all the transformation that takes place. It works wonders!
Bill Smith is a leading moving meditation and body energy expert. He guides people to embody relaxation, creativity and strength by bringing a modern approach to ancient wisdom teachings for the body such as tai chi and qi gong. He has facilitated thousands of people from all around the world for over 30 years to bring their bodies and lives into alignment, radiant health and joyous flow.
His teaching style makes it relevant and accessible to all.

It’s tough to put my experience with Rikka in Hawaii into words, I felt like I was with my long lost soul family. I have started down the path of a new career, my true calling, which is so fun and exciting! People have made comments to me like “What did you do in Hawaii, you are so happy?” I have been out in public and met random people and had amazing conversations; it’s almost like I’m a magnet for more conscious-seeking like-minded people.
The class in Hawaii was the best investment I have ever made in myself; I stepped into more beauty and bliss in one week than in 7 years of spiritual work!”Brennan California
Take a Deep Dive Into Transformation
This is a deep-dive retreat for people who want to transform their lives and make significant changes. Everything in this week-long event will change the platform of energy from which you live your life. I promise, you will not leave the retreat the same as you were coming into it! You will literally transform your reality!
After just 7 days, you will be overflowing in the Divine perfection of love as it endlessly rushes through your heart; bringing your heart and every heart around you into joy and wholeness.
Just imagine living your life where you…
- Can easily access your angelic abilities for manifestation to easily bring your life into the miracle it is designed to be
- Radiate joy all the time (yes, this is possible!)
- Live in abundance. All good things flow to you easily and frequently
- Love your body, your relationships, and all your experiences
- Soar through the magical adventure of life from a higher dimension
Believe me when I say I live the life of my dreams and I can show YOU how to experience the same when you join me for 7 incredible days in beautiful Hawaii!
Are you wondering what the investment is to spend 7 magical days together and have your world ROCKED into a state of pure bliss and joy…
Well, consider this...
How much would it be worth to you to re-connect with your natural gifts and talents, to show up in the world the way you were BORN to BE?
How much would it be worth to you to actually live your purpose? To wake up every single morning smiling, in LOVE with your life?
And, what if you could show up in the world as the big, beautiful, loving, joyful, fun, magical, free, magnificent self that you innately ARE... and spread that contagious energy to everyone who crosses your path?
Could you even put a price on that level of happiness? (I live it every day, and trust me, it is absolutely invaluable!!)
During these 7 Days You Will Discover How To:
- Stop playing small to avoid judgment and release the resistance and fear
- Connect with the bright, brilliant, beautiful message you are here to share with the world
- Step into the greatness you are destined for – and start living the life of your dreams
- Have a joyful, abundant relationship with money
- Love your body and experience joy in every moment
- Enjoy deep, meaningful relationships full of love

Now with all that in mind, does $2,997 seem like a lot to pay to have the life you’ve always wanted? No way!
Join Rikka for 7 Miraculous Days in Hawaii
Connect with our ISLAND ANGEL - MELISSA BRADLEY and she will help you!
Phone: 808-866-0221
Email: [email protected].
What Are People Saying |
Loneliness was my biggest emotional block; I now feel loved, spacious, interconnected and home with my soul family. Physically before class I was experiencing nausea, imbalance, and headaches from past accidents. During this class, for the first time in two years, I woke up without any headaches or nausea. And I know I can continue this reparation from home!
Cassia K., Canada
I received so much from this class! What I loved most is seeing my true self-divine love being, one with all, one with god. I feel total bliss and peace, and love. Total love.
Natalia B., Atlanta, GA
I can best describe the experience I had in class as opening the door to unlimited potential and to my purpose as a being of love and light. I experienced releasing control and losing limitations, realizing my unlimited potential for expansionand the journey of infinite love unfolding. As a result of this class, I feel confident in my knowing and my magnificence, a reassurance of my true purpose, and open to unlimited potential and forever expanding love.
Lani F., Kauai, HI
Frequently Asked Questions
I don’t think I can afford it. How do I KNOW it’s really worth the $2997
You’re not alone! We understand this is an investment. But if this is the only reason you wouldn’t attend, I invite you to shift your perspective, for a moment.
It really isn’t the money. (I know – keep reading!) It’s actually worthiness that keeps beautiful beings like you, who want to say yes to the life of their dreams, from having that life. This IS the Magic Bullet to having the life you’ve always wanted – the life you deserve. Taking a class with me is like jumping on a rocket ship to your destiny – you get the results you want FAST. So isn’t it worth it, to be able to finally stop wishing and hoping for your life to be better – to finally take action toward MAKING it incredible?
If money wasn’t an issue, what would you choose? When you take it out of the equation, it allows you to truly follow your heart. And when you do, the universe provides for whatever it is that you are choosing. So what does your heart want to do?
When you say yes and commit to your yes, money will show up in ways you can’t imagine!
Will this really work for me?
Dear Heart – it WILL! I’ve transformed the lives of thousands of people over the last ten years. But instead of getting me through the phone or internet, you’ll get me in person! And it will transform your life!
I can’t spend this much time away from my family, job, and life!
How long have you spent frustrated, feeling less-than-worthy, struggling to make your finances, relationships, and health all you want them to be? Can you really afford to stay stuck? You live in a Universe of Infinite Possibilities… anything is possible, especially taking a week to love you… when you decide to do this for you, the Universe will support you in everything to make it happen.
What's going on with the volcano?
The most recent chapter of Kilauea volcano’s 35-year-eruption only affects a small portion of the Big Island–about 10 square miles–and is roughly 100 miles away from the Mauna Lani Bay Resort.
For most of the island, it’s business as usual. And yet, the beauty and incredible mana (life-force energy) are more potent than ever! Not to mention, plane tickets prices have dropped.
If you would like to check current conditions, or have health concerns, you can get more information by clicking here.
So Are You Ready?

Take a moment and picture yourself Oceanside, immersed the volcanic creation energy that infuses the magical Big Island of Hawaii… Imagine diving deep into new higher dimension of energetic ecstasy, flowing with vibrations of bliss and joy beyond your wildest imagination…
You CAN wake up every day to the glorious experience of pure joy! Join me in Hawaii!
Yes, Rikka! I’m ready to join you in beautiful Hawaii for a 7-day journey into Awakening My Angelic Self!
The highlights of what you'll will receive:
- The full 7-Day experience held September 23 – 29, 2018 in the beautiful Kona, Hawaii
- Live activations, facilitations and teachings, directly from Rikka and guest speakers
- Workshops with Rikka's hand-picked team of transformational masters
Join Rikka for 7 Miraculous Days in Hawaii
Live In Person Events: Adventure in Oneness® does not offer program refunds for any reason. There is no drop-out option. To protect the integrity and quality of the Life Transformed™ experience for all participants, participation in the program is nontransferable.
* If you are a VIB Member you can use your VIB 10% discount for this program *
* VIB Membership 10% off cannot be combined with other offers, with the exception of the Yearly VIB Member class certificate. If you buy a VIB yearlong membership you'll receive a $700 credit you can use for any of Rikka's classes. *
* We will have an optional outing to swim up close with the wild Hawaiian spinner dolphins! Once your register for the class we will send you information about signing up for the dolphin adventure if you would like to participate. The price is an additional $120. Limited spots available. *
* Price does not include travel, accommodations or food. *
The Magic of the Big Island is Calling!
Take a moment and picture yourself Oceanside, immersed the volcanic creation energy that infuses the magical Big Island of Hawaii… Imagine diving deep into new higher dimension of energetic ecstasy, flowing with vibrations of bliss and joy beyond your wildest imagination…
You CAN wake up every day to the glorious experience of pure joy! Join me in Hawaii!
The Mana Lani Bay Resort is across island (and it's a Big Island!) from the erupting Kilauea Volcano. You can check current conditions and get more detailed information on the volcano by clicking here.
What People Are Saying...
I received so much from this class! What I loved most is seeing my true self-divine love being, one with all, one with god. I feel total bliss and peace, and love. Total love.
Natalia B., Atlanta, GA
I can best describe the experience I had in class as opening the door to unlimited potential and to my purpose as a being of love and light. I experienced releasing control and losing limitations, realizing my unlimited potential for expansion and the journey of infinite love unfolding. As a result of this class, I feel confident in my knowing and my magnificence, a reassurance of my true purpose, and open to unlimited potential and forever expanding love.
Lani F., Kauai, HI
I feel like I had a soul rebirth. After this class, I feel FREE to breath the godlove and radiate this high-structured vibration outward and to raise the vibration of the illusion of separation, resistance, and fear back into god love.
Deborah, Vancouver, BC
What I experienced in class was divinely orchestrated and embodied transformation. I experienced opening and allowing myself to receive the love and support from everyone, bathing in god love, knowing that I am love. I released so much fear and feel so safe and I know that everything is love.
Veronica, Sweden
Before I stepped into the classroom in Hawaii, I felt a lack in loving and accepting myself. In this expansive class, I experienced oneness, joy and infinite possibilities. I have a new perspective on life, and I feel very different in my body after dropping tons of pain and fear.
Jeanne R., Kauai, HI
I released so much stress and tension in this class; I feel I have been lifted into a whole new way of being.
Clare R, Ireland
I learned that I love that warm, beautiful, precious tender self that I have always been, I just forgot. I know now how to surrender to the depths of my infinite self to bring me into total love. I feel so much more spacious, loving, self-loving, present, and purpose filled.
Arianna Z., Alberta, Canada
I experienced a divine homecoming and disintegration of the illusionary blocks and integration of my real loving, angelic essence.
David B., Los Angeles, CA
Before this class, I had low self-esteem and lived in a very small, quiet box and didn’t allow many people in. As a result of this class, I feel complete and total forgiveness of my parents. I feel as though I’m bursting with love and complete acceptance for myself and others and a deep sense of connection with other people and my guides and angels.
Meg H., Washington
Rikka is so powerful and full of knowing, guidance and LOVE. I felt so loved in this class by her and all the others, more than I’ve felt in a millenium. I feel lighter, clearer, and more whole; I have me back!!
Madeleine W., Providence, RI

Disclaimer: The information provided in the Adventure In Oneness programs is not offered as medical or psychological advice and should not be considered medical or psychological advice. It is not intended to replace your relationship with your health care providers nor should you stop taking any medication. Always seek the advice of a physician or qualified health care professional regarding any mental, physical, or emotional conditions.
In accordance with the latest FTC guidelines, it is our responsibility to clearly communicate to the public that our customer testimonials are based on the unique experiences and circumstances of only a percentage of our paying clients. We cannot promise that you will experience similar benefits from using or experiencing an Adventure In Oneness product or live event.