You’re Registered to Join Rikka Zimmerman for her FREE
Global Forgiveness Ceremony Livestream Broadcast
Monday, June 12th- 7:15pm Pacific
IMPORTANT: Please check your email inbox for your confirmation email with the details for joining us LIVE on June 12th at 7:15pm Pacific. There is an important link that you need to join us, so be sure to have that link handy. Check your spam folder and/or Promotions folder if you have Gmail.
Join my Army of Love so you can instantly respond to our current events and energetically contribute to transforming the world!
We will never send you spam or blast you with texts. Joining my Army of Love is for the specific purpose of helping transform this world back into Love.
Enter Your Mobile Phone Number
Don't Forget to Grab Your Surrender to Love Toolkit!
Included in your toolkit is a powerful Activation that will prepare you for our time together on June 12th. It only takes a few minutes and will activate you into a divine love energy so that we can all come together as a high vibrating collective! Be ready to be blown away!