Standing In Unwavering Love
30 days of support and energetic alignment to stabilize you in the frequency of Love
Twelve One-hour Livestream Trainings with Rikka!
It is at this time, when great challenges are upon us, that we must rise up and stand together as one in alignment with Source.
What if the coronavirus is an opportunity for a global awakening that unifies humanity in a shared value of life, environmental consciousness, community and ultimately standing for love.
Never before has there been this kind of opportunity for a collective shift as we focus on what is truly important… life. That we have been given life is the greatest gift of all. That humanity no longer makes money, power, fame, the perfect body or any appearances what is important.
That just by being alive, we are loved beyond measure, and we get to live in this miracle of life. This love that is loving us right now--in this moment.
Where you put your loving attention at this time matters most greatly, and I would like to support you in this mission to stand in unwavering love.
Join me for 30 days of support and energetic alignment to stabilize you in the frequency of Love.
Week 1
Returning Your Body to Love By Releasing Emotional Past Experiences of Fear, Anxiety, Panic or Worry
During this first week, you will be guided through powerful activations that will assist you in taking your power back from the fear that you have accidentally trapped in your body and energy field. This fear creates the automatic reaction to the corona virus that brings up anxiety, panic and worry. Fear is separation. If you are one with Source, then is there anything outside of you to fear? During this week we will focus on taking your power out the illusion of fear and bringing your mind, body and energetic field home to love.
Week 2
Unattaching Your Mind from the Collective Consciousness
During this week we are going to run a deep new process to help your mind unhook from fear, anxiety or worry. I will also teach you tools, tips and tricks to not reattach to the collective fear that is being projected (by almost 7 billion people.) This will help you not let your mind reattach to this unstable illusionary construct.
Week 3
Stabilizing in Love Amidst the Fear and Chaos Around You
During this week we will bring our loving attention to anchoring into the vibration of what truly creates stability. And it’s not “staying calm.” That is a trap that keeps you not calm. I’ll be revealing the “how to” be and remain stable during these seemingly challenging and unstable times.
Week 4
Gain Your Creator Power Back and Stand for Love
During week 4, I will show you how to be in the creator position. In the creator position, fear cannot exist. It is only when you are in the second position that fear feels real. You will learn the difference between the creator position or the position of separation or “first position” or “second position.” This week’s teaching will raise your consciousness to how to align with the creator position so that you are no longer affected by anything. You will finally return to a deep sense of well being for you and everyone as you embody the divine truth of this sacred imperative of life. Be one with Source and assist the collective in returning home out of the illusion of separation (fear) and home to standing with, for and as love.
Join Today
With social distancing and isolation, it’s important to still engage with your community and come together in whatever way we can!
Join me and your Soul Family for 4 weeks of activations and meditations to stabilize your frequency in the vibration of Love and participate in spreading Light during this historic moment of Global Awakening.
This class has completed and the Video Recorded Trainings are inside a private Facebook Group. The Audios are also available. (If you are new to Facebook groups, don’t worry! You will receive more details about how to join the group after registering.)
Please email [email protected]
Disclaimer: The information provided in the Adventure In Oneness programs is not offered as medical or psychological advice and should not be considered medical or psychological advice. It is not intended to replace your relationship with your health care providers nor should you stop taking any medication. Always seek the advice of a physician or qualified health care professional regarding any mental, physical, or emotional conditions.
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