
Prizes for Top Performing Partners

***TOP 10 Opt Ins***

For our top 5 partners, I want you to have my most powerful live event to date. It’s my Life Transformed™ 4-Day Intensive Recorded Livestream Video & Audio Event. la-class6

The value of this program is priceless my friend - my heart sings at the thought of the transformation this event created in so many lives. This event was just filmed in March via Livestream...the entire 4 days. You get access to ALL Livestream recorded videos (for 5 years) along with the audios to download and keep forever.

By viewing the Livestreams, you will want to participate and experience the transformational energies happening in the room. This is truly a resource to cherish. la-class2

And you get the music! OMG, the music we created at the event was the most magical creation one can experience. My singing and tonings were accompanied by high vibration crystal singing bowls and our angelic participants providing background vibrational tonings.

You will FEEL the the vibration and energies move through your body by watching and listening. I hope you enjoy. It’s my gift to you to cherish. I love you!

1st Place

$1191 Value

• Life Transformed™ 4-Day Intensive Pre-Recorded Video & Audio Class $594 Value

• Rikka’s LIVE Vibrational Music and Tonings from the Life Transformed™ 4-Day Intensive $197 Value

• A day at the SPA $400 Value

2nd Place

$1091 Value

• Life Transformed™ 4-Day Intensive Pre-Recorded Video & Audio Class  $594 Value

• Rikka’s LIVE Vibrational Music and Tonings from the Life Transformed™ 4-Day Intensive $197 Value

• A day at the SPA $300 Value

3rd Place

$991 Value

• Life Transformed™ 4-Day Intensive Pre-Recorded Video & Audio Class $594 Value 

• Rikka’s LIVE Vibrational Music and Tonings from the LLife Transformed™ 4-Day Intensive $197 Value

• A day at the SPA $200 Value

4th Place

$891 Value

• Life Transformed™ 4-Day Intensive Pre-Recorded Video & Audio Class $594 Value 

• Rikka’s LIVE Vibrational Music and Tonings from the Life Transformed™ 4-Day Intensive $197 Value

• A day at the SPA $100 Value

5th Place

$866 Value

• Life Transformed™ 4-Day Intensive Pre-Recorded Video & Audio Class $594 Value 

• Rikka’s LIVE Vibrational Music and Tonings from the Life Transformed™ 4-Day Intensive $197 Value

• A day at the SPA $75 Value

6th Place - 10th Place

$297 Value

• Rikka’s LIVE Vibrational Music and Tonings from the Life Transformed™ 4-Day Intensive $197 Value

• A day at the SPA $100 Value