Are you ready to take the next steps into a higher level of Self-Love then you've ever thought was possible?

How About Into Overflowing Unconditional God-Love?

You see we’ve only just begun to scratch the surface on the depths of love that is possible for you...

During the first part of the Self Love Mastery Class we unlocked and unraveled all of the past emotional content that was keeping you from being able to love yourself fully.

Now it’s time to move into and even higher echelon of love... God Love. And instead of clearing, move into creating you new life and future with this vibration infinite overflowing God Love!

Would you like to take the next step into experiencing the pure, infinite, limitless love of the Universe or God, and form your perfect, joy-filled life around it?

Would you like to shift your relationship with this Universe or God into one that is kind, nurturing, fulfilling, loving and supportive … so it can serve as the new platform for your life?

Would you like to "walk with angels" feeling their love and support in every moment?

You see, my beautiful friend, there IS more … SO MUCH MORE.

You CAN live in the kingdom of infinite Heavenly Love.

During the Self-Love Mastery Homestudy Course, we unraveled and unlocked the deep core belief systems and trapped emotional content from your past … the systems and content that stopped you from feeling light, joyful and loved all the time.

And it was absolutely breathtaking, wasn’t it?!

It brings be so much JOY to feel the shift that has occurred in your life from this Self-Love Mastery Course... So THANK YOU, from the depths of my very soul, for joining us.

I am always so happy – thrilled – to receive so many emails from so many Self-Love participants, asking, “Can we extend the class?!”

And I say: “Yes! Yes!! YES!!!” 😉

With an open heart, I cordially, warmly, lovingly invite you to the Advanced Self-Love Mastery Homestudy Course, a 4-week homestudy program devoted to expanding into how unbelievably, how fully, you are loved by God – and to show you how to create your new life from that God Love vibration.  Plus you can to go at your own pace and have the recordings to keep forever and return to over and over again.

The more you return to love, the more power God, or Source, can give you – because as your vibration of love increases, you resonate more with the energy of what IS which gives you tremendous creating and manifesting capacities.

It’s time to walk you into that world and create your new life from that vibration of overflowing God Love.

The catch: You MUST be ready for love and to have it all (and you ARE, my dear friend, now that you've completed the Self-Love Mastery Homestudy Course!).

When we continue our work together, you:

  • Activate into the infinite LOVE of the angels, and God inside every pore of your body and being
  • Open and unlock the pure vibration of love that is unique to you, so you can reconnect with who you truly are
  • Bring your relationship with God (which includes everyone and everything) into a kind, nurturing, fulfilling, loving, supportive relationship – which then becomes the new platform for your life
  • Become fully integrated into the higher vibrations so you can “walk with angels” and feel totally loved and supported in every moment
  • Open your awareness to your divine talents and abilities that awaken as you return to love
  • Create a BRAND NEW future with this new loving platform during the Advanced Homeplay Sessions

In short, you will connect and begin to know yourself as  “what” you are, instead of  “who” you are.  You will then have access to be, do, and create your life as anything you choose easily and effortlessly. You are in essence the energy of God itself!

You are light beyond light. You are love beyond love. You are a beautiful vessel of infinite possibilities that is bringing this world home. Your And you deserve to be YOU! YOU are SO beautiful!

This God-energy is the real you! You deserve to fully receive, express and live within this field of your divine blueprint!


When you join me for the Advanced Self-Love Mastery Homestudy Course you receive all of this:

  • 4 Pre-recorded Advanced Interactive Livestream Courses, 2 hours each, that will lead you through the Advanced Self Love Mastery Lessons on the topics of creating your new future experience with Money, Relationships, and Your Body.
  • 1 Pre-recorded Advanced Half-Day God-Love Integration
  • 4 Pre-recorded Advanced Toning Tracks from Class.
  • 4 Advanced Homeplay Sessions. During the Self Love Mastery Course we focused on clearing all of the old information that is keeping you from Self-Love. This next part of the series will be about expanding you into living in God Love and creating a whole new beautiful life!
  • Continued Access to the Self Love Mastery Course Secret Facebook Group

Plus these 6 awesome bonuses:

Total Package Value of $1997…

Order Today!

register now

It's incredible, isn't it!

Let me just say: I cannot WAIT for you to continue your journey to Self Love! During the the first part of the course we cleared away the old programming that was keeping you from flowing with love.

Now it’s time to walk together into a magical world that is beyond anything you’ve ever experienced. It’s time for you to open up to how loved you are by God or the Universe and begin to walk your true divine path. One where Love is all that there is for you to experience!

Let’s do this, together. You’re going to LOVE IT!

The investment for this Advanced ultra-valuable course – including the 6 awesome bonuses - and the Advanced Half-Day God Love Integration  – is just $197. That’s just $197 to walk together on your journey for 4 more weeks, so that you can love you as God and the angels love you!

I promise you, it’s going to be phenomenal!

So are you in?

Yes, Rikka!  I’m in!

I understand that for my investment of $197, I receive:

  • 4 Pre-recorded Advanced Interactive Livestream Courses, 2 hours each, that will lead you through the Advanced Self Love Mastery Lessons on the topics of creating your new future experience with Money, Relationships, and Your Body.
  • 1 Pre-recorded Advanced Half-Day God-Love Integration.
  • 4 Pre-recorded Advanced Toning Tracks from Class.
  • 4 Advanced Homeplay Sessions. During the Self Love Mastery Course we focused on clearing all of the old information that is keeping you from Self-Love. This next part of the series will be about expanding you into living in God Love and creating a whole new beautiful life!
  • Continued Access to the Self Love Mastery Secret Facebook Group

Plus these 6 awesome bonuses:

1. Nighttime Activation & Toning.
2. Morning Activation.
3. Instant Self-Love Activation to Erase the Illusion.
4. Rikka’s Cord-Cutting System for Instant Freedom.
5. Activating Your Chakras into God Love.
6. Activating God Love in Your Body.

register now

Thank you so much for your interest in taking your Self-Love journey even further into who you truly are. You are LOVE it’s self. And if you’re experiencing anything less then that, then you are settling for something less then you deserve.

Feel into taking this Advanced Self-Love Mastery Course... is your next step in your conscious evolution? That’s so exciting for me because when you’re ready to surrender to the depths of Self-Love, you’re on your way to having the most amazing, awesome, epic life ever! Better than anything you can currently imagine!

Self-love has single handedly changed my life more then anything else. As I’ve returned to self-love everything I ever wanted or desired has shown up in my life and more. I want you to have this amazing of a life too! Because it IS possible. And you deserve it.

It brings me so much joy to bring you home to Self-Love. It is my honor, a blessing and a privilege to get to serve you at this time.

Loving you always in all ways,

Rikka is a global leader in consciousness, the creator of Adventure In Oneness, acclaimed international speaker, author, singer/songwriter. Propelled by her unbounded love for humanity, Rikka travels the world and works with thousands of people, radiating a vibration of joy, peace, possibility and Oneness in all she does. Her light is a beacon of inspiration, inviting each person on the planet to remember, embrace and BE the magnificent, unique expression of the divine theywere born to be!