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Are you ready to end your struggle with money and embark on a life of ease and abundance – the life you so richly deserve? Yes? Then this is for YOU!
Powerful Tools That Allow You to Generate a Ceaseless Flow of Money, Wealth and Abundance, in EVERY Area of Your Life, No Matter Where You Are Now!

It IS possible for YOU! You CAN experience the ease and flow you crave … IF you're willing to say “YES!”
From the desk of Rikka Zimmerman
July 14, 2014
Dear Beautiful, Amazing Friend,
Are you allowing yourself to have the wealth you so richly deserve?
Or are you …
- Stuck in a seemingly endless cycle of money troubles that you can't seem to break free from?
- Exhausted from struggling so hard in every area of your life?
- Overworked and underpaid?
- Wondering why wealth seems to come so easily to some people, while you struggle to make ends meet and never feel like you can get ahead?
If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, you're in exactly the right place. And you're not alone! It's not your fault you haven't been able to tap into the endless flow of abundance the Universe has in store for you.
So many of us (including me at one point – more on that later!) stumble through life, operating on belief systems from our past, wondering what we're doing wrong and why we can't create the change we so badly want and need.
The truth is, sometimes the most talented, amazing, beautiful, gifted beings (like you!) don’t allow themselves to have wealth.
Here’s the great news: There are secrets to creating wealth that only the ones who have walked the path know!
December is traditionally a slow month in my business, I closed 100% more sales in December than I did the previous year during that time. In addition, a fabulous new job opportunity fell into my lap. Prior to Rikka's classes, I never would have even pursued this job. Now I KNOW I’m good enough!”
Nancy W.
Kauai, HI
You probably know me as Rikka Zimmerman, speaker, author, consciousness facilitator, singer-songwriter and creator of Adventure In Oneness®.
What you may not know is that just 5 years ago, I was $80,000 in debt, working my tail off night and day to make ends meet. I struggled... with everything! Relationships, self-love, business, and with life in general. I was dying inside.
It felt like nothing was working. I had dug myself into such a huge hole that I felt like there was absolutely no way out.
Finally, I realized I had to make myself THE most valuable thing in my life. I realized it was completely up to me. I had to teach myself. I had to make choices for myself.
I chose.
And it felt so incredible. I chose again. I chose, and I chose, and I chose.
I had a lot of letting go to do, but I did it – one choice at a time.
Then, as if by magic, things started to change.
My business expanded, my relationships were strengthened and I met my soul mate. New opportunities continue showing up that I never would have imagined possible just a few years ago!
One year later I made my first million and closed the year with income of 1.2 million dollars.
HOW did I do that?
I'm going to show you, my beloved New Adventure in Oneness community member!
“Everything has changed since I was in class with Rikka...all worry and fear has dissolved, the peace and understanding for myself and others has been flowing freely. Our Yoga TV program taken off and airing Network as well as other countries...my husbands' career has flourished...more information keeps flowing through and we have created more income in one month than we did in 6 months last year!! Anyway..I am so thankful for your contribution to my life and cannot thank you enough!”
Sarah S
Madison, WI
I've created a brand new event to THANK YOU, sweet one – consider it a great big virtual hug for saying "Yes!" to joining me for the Self-Love journey – and for BEING THE LOVE - for yourself and the planet.
You are a gift of magnitude! Your love is changing this world!
Did you know that so many conscious, beautiful, talented beings don't allow themselves to have the wealth they so richly deserve? If you're among them, you may not even realize your unconscious habits and beliefs are holding you back from receiving the abundance the Universe has in store for you! You also may not realize, my friend, that you CAN change this! You CAN clear the path for abundance with just a few powerful tools.

During this powerful, downloadable recording, you learn:
- Why the way you've attempted to shift your existence may be completely backwards, and how to shift your thinking so you can really change your reality.
- The beliefs behind your difficulty to committing to having ease with money – and how to let them go so you can finally experience flow and ease with abundance.
- The truth about why you get stuck in negative, painful patterns in your relationships, your finances, and every area of your life – and how to STOP these patterns for good.
- My energetic secrets for taking your life from debt to opulence
- Powerful tools to begin implementing these secrets in your life, starting today
- The powerful formula for success in money& business
- And so much more.
More importantly, during the livestream, we will go through deep and powerful activations, together, so you can begin to heal your energy and clear the path for abundance to flow to you!!
(I know – it’s EXCITING, isn’t it??)
Plus, because it is an interactive livestream, you'll have the opportunity to ask me your questions as we go through the material and activations – and you'll undoubtedly hear some great questions from other action-oriented people just like you (and my answers, of course!).
As always, I am completely committed to YOU, to guiding you toward the love, toward the light, toward the infinite possibility in your life, and we are SO doing this together!!
When you register for "Rikka's Secrets to Abundance – How & Why I went from Being $80,000 in Debt to Making $1.2 Million a Year," you receive:
- Access to the 90-minute livestream
- The downloadable audio recording of the Interactive Livestream, so you can listen to it over and over again and obtain an even greater level of clearing
“The Abundance Activation was not only life changing but a game changer for my business. After doing this activation in November my holiday sales went up over 100% from what they were last year! WOW!! Thanks Rikka, I love you and am so grateful!”
John W.
Atlanta, GA
Now, you may be wondering how much this powerful information (and actual activations) are going to cost you.
First, consider this an investment – an investment of your time, money and energy. Because I can assure you, my friend, it's going to pay off in a big way!
I typically charge $97 for this type livestream, but for a limited time, I'm offering it for just $6.97!
That’s a savings of over 90% Off!
Why? Because I want SO much for you to discover the infinite abundance that is your birthright, that I want to make it SUPER-easy for you to join me!
Isn't your abundance, your ease, your flow, worth $6.97?
Of course it is! I believe it's invaluable, and I believe you deserve to say YES to yourself, right now.

And as always, you make this investment at no risk because you're covered by our unconditional 30-day guarantee. That is, if you aren't completely satisfied with the information you learn during this training, just let us know within 30 days and we'll send you a full refund.
So are you ready? Are you ready to know the secrets to abundance that every wealthy person knows?
Yes, Rikka! I want “Rikka’s Secrets to Abundance – How & Why I went from Being $80,000 in Debt to Making $1.2 Million a Year”!
I understand that for my investment of $6.97 I receive:
- Access to the livestream
- The downloadable audio recording of the Interactive Livestream, so I can listen to it over and over again and obtain an even greater level of clearing and support so you can apply these tools to your life right away!
I understand I’m completely covered by your unconditional guarantee! That is, if I am not completely satisfied with the training, I can request a refund within 30 days and you’ll issue it to me.
When you discover and implement these powerful tools & activations, your world changes, and abundance flows freely – with ease. It’s like you're being escorted along a red carpet…
So prepare yourself, and be willing to be present to experience it.
You're going to be floored, I promise you.
To infinite love, infinite light, and infinite possibility,