Rewrite Your Past to Transform Your Present
Thursday, August 2nd at 5pm PST
Do you ever wish your past was different? Did something happen in your childhood or recent past that shaped who you are today?
We are all shaped by our past experiences, but what most don’t realize is the power we have to actually change our past.
Quantum physicists have proven that everything is happening simultaneity—in other words; time is not linear. Therefore, our past, present and future are happening now.
It’s wild to think about!
But, this means we have the ability to shape our past from our chosen perspective as we consciously choose it to be.
Join me for a mind-blowing evening where we shatter the illusions of our perceived reality and step into a very special process to rewrite your memories so they exist in Love!
During this call, I’ll show you how to:
- Collapse old timelines to quantum leap into a new future
- Stop being a victim of your past
- Feel empowered to rewrite any past memory into what you are choosing now
This process will seem magical as it instantly transforms you and those associated with your memories!
I hope you will join me this this Thursday, August 2nd at 5pm Pacific so I can introduce you to a powerful process that will allow you to rewrite your memories so you can step into the future of your choice.
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