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We are so excited that you are joining us for...
“Obliterate the Financial Anchors that Keep You from Creating Prosperity Beyond Your Wildest Dreams”
This is going to be a deep dive into the secrets of what’s keeping you from Abundance, and Rikka has some amazing tools and activations ready to share with you!
We’re going to guide you through a powerful energetic shift into a new vibration of infinite abundance!
Get ready to let go of the anchors that stand in the way of experiencing the infinite wealth and abundance you SO deserve!
In the meantime, have you had a chance to take the 30-Second Abundance Frequency Quiz that will reveal your Abundance Frequency Score?
You don’t have to have completed the quiz to benefit from the call, but it will help you to identify what your personal Abundance Frequency Score is right now, which will help lay a powerful foundation for you to raise your Abundance Frequency Score even higher on the call!
Plus, once you complete the quiz, you’ll be given instant access to my life-changing new Video Training Course entitled “Raising Your Abundance Score Video Training Series,” valued at $297, which is yours for FREE!
This course is designed especially for *YOU* so you can take a journey with me … a journey down an incredible path to abundance! You’ll experience dramatic vibrational shifts that will change your life as you know it.
This series is a master class in the art of releasing the vibrational anchors that are keeping you from living an abundant life. Each video is an in depth session with tools and activations that will allow you to just sit back, relax & receive abundance with ease!
Sounds ah-mazing, doesn’t it?
That’s because it is!
Get ready to feel the pure bliss of feeling the depth of abundance you so richly deserve!