My Beautiful Friend, your body loves you, cares for you, and would do anything for you. Your body feels blessed that you are in its life and is so grateful for you: the glorious God being that inhabits it.
Do you treat your body with the same love and honor with which it treats YOU?
Imagine that your body is a horse and you are its rider. There is a point in the horse’s relationship with the rider where the horse gives its sense of safety and well-being to its rider. This is what would allow a horse to ride off into battle where it might be hurt or killed. When this connection happens between a horse and a rider, the rider can run the horse until the horse’s heart explodes, and the horse dies. The horse has given its life to the rider – entrusted everything it is to the rider’s consciousness.
Your body is a lot like this horse. It will run and run and run until it can’t run anymore. Is this any way to treat your body? Is it any way to treat the gifts from God that allows you to live inside of your body?
It’s time to awaken a whole new level of consciousness with your body!
It’s time to honor and nurture your body’s journey into light, as it honors and nurtures your journey.
When you do, you take the next step in your journey into light.
And it’s an important one in your journey, Beautiful One, because in order to fully transition into the God love you truly are, you must first extend it to yourself, and your body.
So are you ready? Ready to honor your body as the God it is?
Join me for my
Master Your Body’s Journey into Light Activation, and learn how to: