Manifesting 5th Dimensional Magic in Your Life

A Free, 3-part Livestream Series with Rikka

Grab your magic wand and get ready to quantum leap into the dimension of miraculous possibilities!

It's not too late! Come join us and catch up with the replays.


Humanity needs your magic to quantum leap into a new higher dimensional life and world--RIGHT NOW!

If you feel this calling inside your heart, then it’s time to raise your consciousness so you can transform your life and assist humanity in accessing the 5th dimension!

Because like Einstein said, “No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.”

This means that you can’t create a global shift or a transformation in your life from the 3rd dimension (the space of separation and limitation) and expect to obtain 5th dimensional results.

So, what if beyond 3rd dimension limited thinking, there was a dimension of pure magic and miracles, where everything was possible for you…

And accessing this dimension would allow you to function outside of the rules of time and physical reality to create change in your life and the world…

Would you be interested in learning how to get there?

Welcome To My 3-Part Livestream Series!

Call 1
The Magic of 5th Dimensional Prayer: The do’s & don'ts of how to create change in the world
September 14th, 6pm Pacific

As you watch the news, do you find yourself reacting to or resisting the current reality?  Do you feel angry and want to fight the injustice? Do you feel sickened by the pollution, deforestation, fires, hurricanes, and destruction happening to our Mother Earth?  Maybe you decided to ignore the news all together, because you feel helpless and defeated that you can’t make a difference.  Well, guess what?  You can-- and during this call I will show you how.  I can almost guarantee it’s not what you think!

Call 2
Collapsing Timelines in the 5th Dimension: Invest Your Energy Into a Different Reality
September 16th at 6pm Pacific

If you could, would you choose to rewrite your history?  What if you didn’t have to regret the past, you could simply change it. Quantum physics shows us that there are infinite possibilities, existing through infinite realities.  I’ll show you how to consciously choose to exit out of your past reality and into your chosen reality.

Call 3
Breaking the Laws of Physical Reality in the 5th Dimension: Bending the Fork Demonstration
September 22, 6pm Pacific

I’m going to break the limitation of physical reality by bending a fork and in doing so, you will receive the energetic transmission to unlock your own physical reality! It’s a jaw-dropping exercise that your mind can hardly believe. But once you process what’s possible, you can’t undo the *knowing!* You get it at a deep cellular level that if you can transform the metal of a fork so it bends, you can transform any area of your life. You can transform your money situation, your relationships, your health, your career, anything. It’s going to be an incredible celebration on the Autumn Equinox, full of (filled with?) mind-bending magic and life-altering activations!

Meet Rikka Zimmerman

Rikka is a global leader in consciousness, the creator of Adventure In Oneness, acclaimed international speaker, author, singer and songwriter. Propelled by her unbounded love for humanity, Rikka travels the world and works with thousands of people, radiating a vibration of joy, peace, possibility and Oneness in all she does.

Her light is a beacon of inspiration, inviting each person on the planet to remember, embrace and BE the magnificent, unique expression of the divine they were born to be!


Sonia Ricotti Sonia Ricotti, Lead Out Loud Inc.

"I love what Rikka is creating in the world! Her happiness is contagious and her love of everyone is evident. Rikka’s ability to take people from a place of true despair and return them to the most beautiful place of self-love and adoration is magnificent!"

Jennifer McLean Jennifer McLean, CEO, McLean MasterWorks

"Rikka is one of the pre-eminant transformational teachers and healers of our time. Once you work with Rikka you will say "What story? What trauma? Instead feeling the pure embodiment of you as oneness, love and light."

Natalie Ledwell Natalie Ledwell, Co-Founder Mind Movies

"If there’s anyone who knows the importance of each one of us being madly, unequivocally in love with ourselves, it’s Rikka. If you’re looking for the missing piece that will take you into your next level of success I highly recommend you work with won't regret it!"

Derek Rydall Derek Rydall, Best-Selling Author & Transformational Coach

"Rikka is love embodied and pure joy in action. The transformation that Rikka creates through her facilitation is amazing — she has the ability to take people from a place of despair and return them to a place of self-love and empowerment, all in a way that is often unexpected."

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