
Welcome to the Livestream!

Having Issues with the Video? Click on the troubleshooting guide below.

Note:  If your video appears to not be working at all, we will switch to Facebook Live only when Rikka instructs us to switch. You will go here:  https://www.facebook.com/Rikka/

Click for Troubleshooting Guide +

Our video livestream system is designed to work with ease for the majority of modern systems.

Here’s some troubleshooting tips if you get a strange error message or it is not working:

  1. If you cannot watch the video you can either call in to listen, or click on the audio-only link below the video screen.
  2. It is best to use a desktop or laptop computer with most recent operating system for your system. Some tablets and mobile devices are not supported.
  3. Make sure your computer has the last version of Adobe Flash Player installed You can install last Flash Player from here. Flash player older than 11 are not supported. Your mobile device requires Flash in order to play the videos.
  4. Switching browsers you are using fixes 95% of the errors with the video system. Safari and Internet Explorer browsers can sometimes have errors. Using Firefox or Chrome often work best.
  5. Have a good Internet connection (2 – 5 Mbps upstream/downstream) . If you’re watching our content from shared or public WI-FI networks you may experience trouble viewing if the internet is not fast enough. You can always check your Internet connection speed by performing a simple test.
  6. Clear the cache and cookies in your browser’s regularly as they may interfere with the playback quality of our channels.
  7. Manage your Firewall settings as they may block content from our website. You can manually open ports in windows Firewall.
Click for Call In Information +

Join Via Phone Call In

Call-in number: 425.440.5100
Conference ID: 490694#

LOCAL CALL IN NUMBERS: Click here to see if there is a local call in number for your area

Click for Audio Only +

Audio (Backup Only)

Please note: This audio is a backup only in the event the livestream video is having difficulties. Do not play the livestream video and also play this audio at the same time or you will hear an echo.


During this livestream Rikka may ask you to participate. Enter info here.

My Life Transformed™ 4 Day Intensive is Coming to Los Angeles August 4-7, 2017!

This Livestream call is to set the energetic groundwork for my upcoming Life Transformed 4-Day Intensive Retreat in Los Angeles. If you haven’t checked out the details, go see what it’s all about by clicking the link below!

Take Advantage of Early Bird Pricing and SAVE $200!

You can join us live in Los Angeles or via Livestream—go get all the details and save your spot!