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Life Transformed™ Coaching Program

Join Rikka’s Life Transformed 
Coaching Program

Embrace your Divine Self, release the limitations that are holding you back, and create a life that exceeds your wildest dreams!

Space is Limited for this Exclusive Program!

"You are a talented and amazing being who came from the highest levels of Source’s Consciousness to be the love, light and wisdom that transforms the world." - Rikka

Dear Beautiful Friend,

We are living in unprecedented, unstable times. Humanity is undergoing a massive transformation, releasing separation and returning to love.

All the fear, anxiety, depression, grief, and unworthiness—the entire illusion of separation—is rising in everyone’s consciousness to be released. The old Ego-based mechanisms that once brought safety, security, and happiness are no longer working.

The Choice Before You

If you try to navigate this crumbling system from a place of separation, you will find yourself increasingly affected, more of a victim, and suffering even deeper from this lack of freedom.

Just watch the news. If you hold beliefs about what you're watching, you will be thrown into fear, anxiety, and instability.

Your only chance for freedom and a joyful, love-filled life is to embrace your Divine Self. This is how you remain stable in an unstable world and how you can be free and unaffected during the collective ascension.

You have a choice: live your divine purpose and step into your true self, or suffer. Your soul designed it this way because your Divine mission on this planet is vital for humanity’s survival.

Tell me, does this sound familiar?

You feel trapped, knowing there's a bigger, greater life waiting for you, but you're unsure how to reach it.
You're tired of suffering from fear, anxiety, hurt, depression, disappointment, frustration, or anger—and you're ready to release these energies of separation.
You sense that you're limiting yourself and your life, but you can’t seem to break free.
You are looking for clarity on how you are meant to show up in the world and are searching for your purpose.
You long to connect with kindred spirits, to form deep friendships with those who share your passion and understand your journey.
You are ready to embrace the support and guidance of a master teacher and a loving community, stepping into the life that your heart desires.
You’re ready to open the floodgates to YOU and directly experience your Divinity NOW.

Are you ready to step into Your Divine Self?

You are a being from the highest dimensions of Source’s love, light, wisdom and possibility. This is who you are. This is where you come from. It is your birthright to be your true self - Your Divine Self.

When you step into your Divine Self, your Divine Life begins manifesting around you. Your level of consciousness creates everything you experience in your life. So when we take all of your consciousness out of separation and into your Divinity, your life changes in miraculous ways!

In this program you will receive:

The Love of Your Divine Self. As you receive that your love is the Divines’ love, you will experience this level of unconditional love and Divine Connection radiating from your heart for all of your relationships.
The Light of Your Divine Self. This light transforms your body, creating more health and vitality and releasing old density and limitations.
The Wisdom Of Your Divine Self. This will help you stabilize your mind and consciousness out of the limitation of separation and into the Source consciousness you are. Your most Divine life experience will magically and effortlessly manifest around you.
The Power Of Your Divine Self. You will be empowered and know exactly how to master the way you feel. You will get to feel how you choose to feel: free, fulfilled, loved, safe, protected, stable, peaceful, joyful, blissful, and magical.

By stepping into your Divine Self, you will also know how to coach and support others to step into their Divine Self as well!

Let Me Share My Journey with You

As you embark on the path to embracing your Divine Self, I want to share a bit of my own story—a journey that has shaped the work I do and the passion that drives me every day.

As a highly sensitive soul, I’ve always felt deeply connected to the world around me, but navigating these sensitivities wasn’t easy. For years, I felt stuck in a life and job that didn’t fulfill me. Deep down, I knew there was more—a better life waiting for me—but I didn’t know how to access it.

I longed for true divine happiness and to share that joy with others, but I didn’t feel ready or capable of embracing it myself. I needed a guide—someone who had walked the path before me. But there was no one to show me the way. I had to figure it out on my own through trial, error, and deep inner work.

In this journey, I discovered the power of stepping into my Divine Self, shifting from separation to alignment with Source. This transformation unlocked the life I knew was possible, moving me beyond the limitations that had held me back.

Let Me Guide You To Your Divine Self

Now, I want to be that guide for you. I want to help you avoid the struggle I endured. Stepping into your Divine Self doesn’t have to be hard; it can be quicker and easier, and I’m here to show you how.

My journey of transformation has empowered me to help others find their way to true change. Creating the Life Transformed Coaching Program is the culmination of everything I’ve learned on my own journey back home to Source.

Through this work, I’ve had the honor of guiding others to reconnect with the divine love, joy, and purpose that resides within each of us. There’s nothing more fulfilling than witnessing the incredible transformations that happen when we align with the infinite consciousness of Source.

It would be my honor to be a part of that journey with you.

It’s Time to Discover Your True Potential

After sharing my journey, you might be wondering if the Life Transformed Coaching Program is the right path for you. Let me help you understand who this program serves and how it can transform your life.

Who Does The Life Transformed™ Coaching Program Serve?

The Life Transformed Program is for anyone who desires major expansion in their lives.

Whether you’re seeking to connect with your Divine Self, discover your true purpose, align with like-minded souls on a journey of love, happiness, and abundance, or even learn how to facilitate others in reaching their full potential and connection to Source, this program will empower you to reach your highest potential.

Each year, I welcome 60 new participants, and each person’s intention for the year is unique. Some are dedicated to deepening their self-awareness and spiritual connection, while others join for the sheer joy of expanding into a new level of consciousness and fulfillment.

For those called to guide others, this program will equip you with the wisdom and tools to help others awaken to their Divine Selves.

The beauty of this program is that it creates massive shifts for everyone!

If you’re yearning for MORE and dreaming of living fully as the greatness of who you are—or helping others do the same—this program will guide you all the way HOME to Love.

Whether you’re exploring a new path, enjoying your current work, or embracing retirement, there is something here for everyone!

Your Divine Self Awaits -

Transform Your Entire Life in 2025

Introducing the Life Transformed Coaching Program

When you join me for my exclusive, transformative, yearlong Coaching program, you will take my hand and leap into a journey of deep connection to Divinity and all that it has to offer.

Every month, you will receive a comprehensive program designed to guide you step by step in fully knowing your true self. As you deepen your connection, you’ll find that your life becomes more joyful, more fun, and more expansive.

And for those interested in teaching others, we’ll provide the tools and wisdom to help you share this phenomenal transformation.

What’s Included in the Life Transformed Coaching Program?

You’ll be wrapped in a cocoon of support and divine guidance throughout the year, ensuring your journey is filled with lasting growth and transformation.

The Coaching Program offers a beautiful array of Transformation including:

4 Live In-Person Retreats 
3-Day Retreat: Divine Self 101: Quantum Shift
7-Day Retreat: Divine Self 102: Quantum Leap
7-Day Retreat: Divine Self 103: Quantum Mastery
3-Day Retreat: Divine Self 104: Quantum Life
2 Monthly Sessions of Gold Group Coaching via Livestream
Twice a month, you receive 3-hour, live group coaching with me. You’ll experience new teachings, plus Q&A where you can ask your burning questions, and participate in powerful frequency raising activations. *These calls are for both Gold Level Group Coaching and Life Transformed Coaches*
8 Module Teaching & Q&A Sessions - Half day via Zoom
(on months without live classes, just for Life Transformed Coaches)

During these training sessions we dive deep into every area of life transforming your finances, body, and your relationships with yourself and others.

You will learn 16 Life Transformed Private Session Processes that you can run with fellow LT coaches for yourself and for coaching private clients.

You’ll be able to ask me questions during our Question & Answer sessions that will give you deeper insight into the teachings and processes and your own life.

You’ll also have 24/7 access to all Livestream recordings and comprehensive Manuals for Teaching Life Transformed™ Classes
Homeplay Assignments
These assignments are designed to lay the foundation for your growth and expansion into your new, magnificent life and coaching business!
8 Online Group Gatherings with Nikole Kadel via Livestream
An energetic gathering of Life Transformed Coaches facilitated by Nikole to answer questions and bring forward the collective wisdom and extra support around the coaching program.
A Community of Peer Support
You will work with your beloved community of Life Transformed™ coaches to help you take the information you learn even further through group collaboration and discussion.

In Person retreats

Retreat #1

Divine Self 101: Quantum Shift

3 Day Retreat - January 18-20, 2025
Los Angeles, CA

During this class, we’ll create a powerful quantum trajectory shift together into your Divine Self.

We’ll begin accessing the dimension of your true self and the life you’ve always dreamed of. Together, we’ll set crystal-clear intentions for the new you and the new life you’re ready to embrace, anchoring the seeds of consciousness that will manifest your most divine reality throughout the Life Transformed Coaching Year.

Begin releasing the past trauma and separation that has been holding you back and keeping you from manifesting the joy, love, abundance and freedom you desire.
Learn how to use the tools, processes and divine understanding that actually work and allow you to graduate from your current life experience and ascend to the next level.
Receive powerful activations to embody the frequency and vibration of your divine self so that you can experience your innate divinity, now.

As a member of the Life Transformed community, if you register for the 2025 Life Transformed Coaching program during the Divine Self 101 event in Los Angeles, you get the opportunity to stay an extra day on January 20th to be with our LT Coaches for our extra day of celebration and facilitation. You also receive the recordings of this event to keep.

Retreat #2

Divine Self 102: Quantum Leap

7 Day Retreat - March 8-14, 2025
Desert Hot Springs, CA

Next, we’ll come together for a deep dive to transform your mind, heart, body, and spirit—moving out of the energy of illusion and separation and into the embodiment of your divine self.

In this class, we’ll go deeper into working with your inner child and level one consciousness, healing the childhood traumas within your relationships with your parents and family.

Rikka will skillfully guide you into higher and higher vibrations of your divine self, clearing any layers of separation that arise.

You’ll experience the expansive, light, and magical divine being that you truly are—one with the Universe, beyond the confines of the separate "I" and the Ego Mind releasing the information that makes Source just a perception and instead step into actually BEING your divine self.
You’ll receive the tools and processes that allow you to be free and unaffected by your environment.
As you open into your Divine self, you’ll become a vessel of Source energy, creating healing and more vitality in your body, unlocking greater possibilities for wealth and abundance, and transforming any relationship into one of deep love and connection.

Retreat #3

Divine Self 103: Quantum Mastery

7 Day Retreat - Fall 2025
Date & Location Coming Soon

In this class we energetically travel even deeper into your consciousness to unlock and transform limitations within your being that were not able to be accessed previously.

This is an advanced course where you will gain access to being even more of your divine self--able to access more of your talents and abilities, becoming more aware of your life’s purpose.

And here’s something truly magical—you’ll get to bend a fork with your energy! This experience will catapult you into a new realm of freedom and possibility, shattering the illusion of limitation and opening you up to a reality that was previously unimaginable.

We will traverse into greater and greater levels of being the love, light and Divinity you are. At this elevated state of consciousness, you’ll be able to unravel your previously hidden Spiritual Ego, granting you greater freedom and power in your life.
You’ll gain the capacity to release soul trauma from past lifetimes, other realms, and your initial separation from Source.
This class is also crafted to increase your divine power embodying the God/Goddess you truly are, expanding your vibrational bandwidth, transforming past stored anger into stability, and helping you fully accept that you are loved and protected as the holy and sacred space of Source.

Retreat #4

Divine Self 104: Quantum Life

3 Day Retreat - January 2026
Date & Location Coming Soon

As you reach the end of the Life Transformed Coaching year we will gather to fortify your new Divine Life. We will focus on rearranging the energetics of every part of life; money, relationships and body to finally resonate with the Divine Life you truly deserve.

Now that your system is clear enough, we will open you up to infinite receiving, clearing your energy and chakras to be portals for divinity here on earth.

This will result in having the blissful ecstasy filled honor of experiencing your pure divinity embodied.

You will learn how to be even more absolute and unwavering in your power.
You’ll discover how to harness light, frequency and vibration to manifest healing, abundance, and greater possibilities in your life.
Anchor and integrate your Divine self into all parts of your life.

gold level membership

Yearlong Access Inside Life Transformed Universe Starting NOW!

In addition to receiving one-on-one access to Rikka twice a month- for LIVE Group Coaching, you’ll also have access to 23 programs inside our brand-new Life Transformed Universe at the Gold level!

Here are a few of the programs:


2 Extra Bonus Programs!

Take Your Life to the Next Level

4 Day Retreat (Pre-recorded)

Embark on a journey to rediscover the REAL YOU. This class will dismantle the limiting beliefs and separation that have held you back, guiding you to build a new foundation aligned with Source energy.

In these transformative sessions, you’ll:

Learn the Six Principles to align with Universal truth for lasting happiness and fulfillment.
Rewrite your past and align your future with your deepest desires.
Operate from your Divine Self every day.
Release judgment, embrace radical self-love, and reclaim your true potential.

Building Your Successful Coaching Business Mastermind

2 Day Retreat (Pre-recorded)

Shift your financial world from the currency of fear to the currency of love and create a platform for receiving massive wealth in your coaching business.

In this 2-day mastermind, you’ll learn how I transformed my life from $80,000 in debt to running a 7-figure business. I’ll guide you on the fast track to building a wildly successful coaching practice.

You’ll receive:

Insights on marketing and branding from your unique soul’s message.
Clarity on your vision for a magnificent future and business.
Tips for booking speaking engagements and filling your events.
Strategies for building relationships that propel your business.
A system for booking long-term client packages, maximizing your income.

Take the Next Step Towards

the Life of Your Dreams!