Life Transformed™ Coaching Certification Program

Become a Life Transformed ™ Certified Coach
Become a leader in the Consciousness Evolution to dramatically transform your life and the lives of others
Space is limited for this Exclusive Program!
Access Your Natural Gifts and Abilities So You Can Create a Thriving Business AND a Life That Exceeds Your Wildest Dreams!
Dear Beautiful Friend,
We are living in an unprecedented time on the planet. The collective consciousness is rising - now more than ever, humans are longing for something more: more uplifting, more inspiring, more change!
Do you feel that tug deep inside that you are destined for more--for greatness? Do you know you’re being called to help others reach their highest potential?
If you dream of making an impact on this precious planet and the lives of your fellow human BEINGS -- of creating a RIPPLE EFFECT that allows you to impact the world--but currently feel stuck; torn between the change you know you can make, and where you are right now… then keep reading! You are in the right place my love!
Tell me, does this sound familiar?
- You dream of sharing your gifts with the world by assisting others to uplevel their consciousness, but you don't know where to begin.
- You have a startup coaching business and want to take it to the next level.
- You are looking for clarity on how you are meant to show up in the world and are searching for your purpose.
- You welcome change – you’re open to a new path – yet you’re often plagued by limiting questions like: Am I good enough? Do I have what it takes? Is anyone going to want what I can offer?
- You feel trapped. Your current job or business isn’t fulfilling as it doesn’t utilize your unique gifts and talents; and your bank account doesn’t reflect your potential.
- You want to connect professionally and personally with kindred spirits who share your passion and understand your purpose.
- You keep running into procrastination, lack of motivation and fear when it comes implementing the strategies to expand your business.
- You are ready to open the floodgates to YOU and finally be seen for who you are evolving into during this magnificent evolutionary time on the planet.
You Are a World Leader
In The Consciousness Evolution
Your soul is calling--it's time for you to begin a new journey. First, you must lead yourself home to who you truly are. When you do, the Universe aligns. Then, you can bring others with you and guide them into their greatness.
You can play your part in awakening consciousness in others and raising the vibration of the planet.
You have the gifts, talents, and abilities to facilitate yourself and others to be magnificent, amazing beings.
Imagine – not only transforming your own existence into one that is utterly blissful and joy-filled – but building a rewarding, lucrative business around showing others how to re-discover the pieces of themselves they have lost along their journey.
So they too can have the joy, fun, success, magic, health and wealth they so richly deserve! You CAN have it all.
My Personal Story of Transformation
I’ve spent the last 10 years traveling the world, facilitating hundreds of thousands of people to be the magnificent, amazing beings they truly are.
My life is SO blessed that every single morning, I wake up smiling, excited about my day … wondering if it could possibly get any more amazing! But it wasn’t always like this.
True confession--I began facilitating people for the pure FUN of it! It was such a blast and it was ALL I wanted to do.
Every time I showed up to facilitate someone else, my life and awareness expanded. I knew that I had found my calling. THIS is what I wanted to do, more than anything in the world. (Honestly, I couldn’t believe I could actually get paid to expand my life, and be who I came to this planet to be!)
But, it wasn’t always like this...
For four long years, I didn’t let myself have the business and life I really wanted… the one that lit me up inside. I was afraid. I couldn’t silence the nagging voices in my head that kept asking...
- Am I good enough?
- Do I have what it takes?
- Will anybody want what I offer?
- How will I get myself “out there” and get clients, so I can make a living doing what I love?
- What if I fail?
And these doubts kept me “stuck.”
They plagued me for years as I sat idle in my job. I was frozen. I was not fulfilled, or truly happy, because I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that there WAS more.
There was a better life I could choose. I could see it. I could feel it.
I KNEW I was destined for greatness… but I didn’t feel ready or able to embrace that life for myself.
What I needed was a guide. Someone who could show me “how” to do this. Someone who had already done (and succeeded at) what I wanted to do... someone who could help me take the leap, and soar!
But there was no one...
Let Me Guide You To A Life Of Your Dreams!
I want to show you how to avoid the heartache and struggle that I had to endure.
I am here to show you the way!
Step-by-step over the last 10 years, I have gone from not being able to ask for money to a 7-figure business.
Over the years I have stumbled, fallen, and failed. And without a mentor, I had to learn all of these lessons the hard way.
But it doesn’t have to be this way for you!
I can be your guide so that you can go straight from where you are now, to where you want to be! And have everything you ever wanted – a life AND a thriving business you absolutely love!
When you join my yearlong coaching program, I will hold your hand and walk you through the process of becoming a successful conscious facilitator bringing people back to LOVE.
Who Does The Life Transformed™ Coaching Program Serve
The Life Transformed™ Coaching Program is for anyone who wants to bring major expansion into their lives.
Whether you are looking to grow your own coaching business, or are dedicated to reaching the highest echelons of happiness, abundance and love, the Life Transformed™ Coaching Program will enable you to reach your goals!
Each year, I take 60 new participants and each student’s intention for the year is unique. Some students are dedicated to growing their own business, others are interested in creating a side income through facilitation, and many join for the sheer pleasure of bringing themselves into a new expanded awareness for themselves.
The beauty of the program is it creates massive shifts for anyone!
If you want MORE and are dreaming of showing up in the world as the greatness of who you are, then this program will take you all the way HOME to Love.
It doesn’t matter if you are a coach, enjoy your current job, or have already retired. There is something here for everyone!

Transform your entire life & your business in 2022!
Life Transformed™ Coaching Certification Program
You absolutely can build a business that allows you to do what you LOVE – make a positive impact – while generating a great income and having SO MUCH FUN!
It’s time to set yourself free and fully express your true self in the world.
When you join me for my exclusive, transformative, yearlong Coaching Certification program, you take my hand, and we leap together.
Every month you will receive a comprehensive program that I designed to take you step by step into your fun, expansive, and successful coaching business!
What’s Included In This Yearlong Program?
Life Transformed™ Certification Coaching Program
Life Transformed In-Person Live Events with Rikka
- In Person Event: 7 Day Retreat Coaching Certification Course
- In Person Event: Building Your Successful Coaching Business
- In Person Event: Stepping Into The Greatness of You
- 4- Day Life Transformed™ “How to Access Your Talents & Abilities”

Life Transformed™ Curriculum & Livestream Trainings
- Livestream: Yearlong VIB Group Coaching with Rikka
- Monthly Livestream: Life Transformed Module Teaching & Q&A with Rikka
- Comprehensive Manuals for Teaching Life Transformed™ Classes
- Life Transformed™ Downloadable Written Client Sessions
- Monthly Zoom: Group Gathering with Nikole Kadel

Rikka’s Insider Tools & Processes for Success
- Discover Rikka’s foundation for creating massive wealth
- Learn the secrets to expand your business with ease
- Get Rikka’s insider guide to getting out of your own way
- Tools to create and fill your private session business effortlessly

In Person Event #1
7 Day Retreat - Coaching Certification Course
March 12- 18, 2022
Desert Hot Springs, CA

About the Coaching Certification Course
This course is designed to open you up to the real YOU. The talents and abilities that YOU have. The very *special* way that YOU channel source.
I will show you how to use those amazing talents that you have to facilitate change in people’s lives.
Get ready to be blown away as you open up to the most fulfilling career there is… BEING YOU, and changing the world while receiving money for it!
During the retreat I’ll show you the behind the scenes inside scoop on how I facilitate dramatic shifts in people's lives and have created a million dollar business. Here's a taste for what's in store...

Discover the Secrets to Facilitating Groups
Have you ever had the pleasure of channeling miraculous God energy into a group while assisting them to accept and receive this part of themselves? If you haven’t, you’re going to be joyfully amazed at how unbelievably awesome you are!
You will learn to:
- Open up to your unique talents and abilities so you can channel the energy and awareness that only you are here to bring
- Get hands-on experience facilitating groups to bring your message into the world
- Learn how I open up, access, and do what I do, so that you can open up, access, and do what you do
- Get the inside scoop as I show you the how and why behind all of my facilitation
Activate Your Unique Talents and Abilities
You came in with everything you need to take this journey back home to you and these specific talents and abilities are unique to you. I will show you how to:
- Open up your awareness of how to listen and receive messages and vibrations from your higher self and the angels
- Channel these vibrations into the room
- Understand the gift that only you possess that will be the energetic platform of your coaching business

Awaken Your Energetic Hands-On Healing Capacities
As a being you live in a universe of god perfection--one with only love and only light. This universe that is you can be activated to heal and transform people’s bodies. I will guide you to:
- Open the floodgates to channeling Divine energy to work in one-on-one sessions or with large groups
- Awaken your unique talents and abilities with healing bodies
- Discover what you are capable of bringing into the physical world through hands-on healing
* Participants are responsible for their own meals, airfare and transportation.
Your Life Transformed Coaching Certification Event Location

When you join the 2022 Advanced Life Transformed Coaching Course, your first Spring live event, the 7 Day LT Coaching Certification Program, will take place in a magical Desert Oasis, private just for the 2022 LT Coaches!
Welcome to Bubbling Wells Ranch - A Desert Oasis!
Your 7 day class will take place daily at this Health & Wellness Ranch – a 107-acre property with cold and hot non-sulfur smelling mineral springs located in the world renown “Miracle Hill.” During your 7 day stay, you will gather in community with your fellow LT coaches while you immerse your mind, body and spirit amongst these sacred energy vortexes located on this magnificent property.
Learn more about your venue for the LT Coaching Certification event.

The stunning grounds of where you will experience class each day.

In Person Event #2
Breakthrough Course
Stepping Into the Greatness of You
Summer 2022- Location Coming

During this powerful workshop, I will assist you to step into who you came to this planet to be. You will be asked to get up in front of class and facilitate a shift in consciousness for the group.
As you do, I will work with you personally to help you open up and channel the messages and vibrations from your higher self and the angels.
This experience will show you your unique talents and abilities and you will witness first hand the miracles that you are capable of creating.
You are a magnificent being that is talented beyond measure. When you embody this special energy that you are, you will create miracles in your clients' lives and in the world at large!
You will walk away with amazing photos of you on stage for your professional portfolio to support booking future speaking opportunities.
- Get hands-on experience facilitating groups and bringing YOUR message into the world
- Gain the confidence and experience to begin working with large groups
- Receive one-on-one personal facilitation as I help you show up on stage as who you came to this planet to be

* Coaches will be responsible for their air travel, ground transportation, lodging and all meals and snacks. AIO will attempt to secure a room block at the Event location with special pricing for Clients, but cannot guarantee this.
Event #3
4- Day Life Transformed™ Training “How to Access Your Talents & Abilities”
Fall 2022

During this 4-day Livestream Training Course you will learn how to facilitate your own Life Transformed™ Classes! So you can travel the world, facilitate large groups, and have a life & business you LOVE!
Right now would you feel comfortable facilitating 4 days of class without any materials? Probably not, right?
That's why we've made it easy for you to build your foundation for your own coaching business!
You’ll receive 2 class manuals that you can use to lead your clients out of the foundation of limited reality. You'll also be given materials to book long-term coaching packages. This will provide you with a solid, sustainable income as you soar to greater and greater heights!
You will:
- Learn how to Facilitate the Life Transformed™ Classes
- Learn as I pull back the curtain and show the secrets behind working with groups and creating massive energetic shifts
- Receive priceless awareness as you ask questions during our Coaches Training Sessions
- Gain the confidence and experience to begin facilitating others
- Learn how to fill your private session practice
- Receive manuals that will serve as workbooks for your Life Transformed™ Classes
* Coaches will be responsible for their air travel, ground transportation, lodging and all meals and snacks.
In Person Event #4
Building Your Successful Coaching Business Mastermind
Early 2023- Location Coming

I will assist you in shifting your financial world from the currency of fear into the currency of love. This will create a brand new conscious platform in receiving massive amounts of wealth for your coaching business.
During this Mastermind you will walk in my shoes and learn how I went from being $80,000 in debt to running a 7-figure business.
I’ll show you how to jump on the fast track that will give you the easiest, shortest route to having a wildly successful coaching business.
Plus, you will receive powerful facilitation to release the limited beliefs that have held back your business and life from the massive success that it can be!
Here’s what you will receive:
- Marketing and branding guidance from your unique soul’s message based on a system that helped me create a 7- figure coaching business
- Gain total clarity on your vision of what you would like to create as your new magnificent future and business
- Powerful tips to booking speaking engagements, speaking on stage and filling your room
- Build relationships and collaborations that propel your business into the next stratosphere
* Coaches will be responsible for their air travel, ground transportation, lodging and all meals and snacks.
and these are just the live events...
With Your Year-Long Coaching Program,
You Also Get These Life-Changing Online Programs
Program #1
9-Week Livestream Masterclass

What is the invisible culprit that is limiting
every aspect of your life?
Meet Your “Default Mode Network” called The Ego.
Did you know that there is a physical part of your brain called the Default Mode Network? It’s programmed with all of your decided personal thoughts and feelings about who you are and what you think life is.
This is where the consciousness of the Ego resides and is also called the “me network.” The default mode network is all of the stored information from your past experience and is set to repeat until you consciously choose to reprogram it.
And this is exactly what we will do in this class!
It’s finally time to do the work, become aware of the programming, and consciously reprogram the Ego to work for you, instead of against you!
- Raise your awareness and knowledge of the Ego’s presence and layers of programming in every dimension so that it can no longer automatically take over
- Know how to no longer become a victim to the Ego and claim the power back to create your life experience just as you design it
- Learn how to access and utilize the consciousness beyond the Ego where anything and everything is possible for your life!
Program #2
“Take Your Life to the Next Level”
4 Day Event

Embark On A Magnificent Journey
Home To Who YOU Truly Are
If you have been experiencing fear, anxiety, worry, stress, hurt, betrayal, disappointment, judgment, guilt, shame, blame, frustration or even anger… you have been experiencing life through the illusion of separation…instead of experiencing the REAL YOU.
This 4-day Intensive Class is designed to take apart the foundation of limitation that has unconsciously been creating your life. Then, together we will create a new foundation which is in complete alignment with Source energy.
This new life will fulfill you beyond whatever you previously thought possible. You will get to enjoy every moment of your life because you are experiencing the REAL YOU instead of the illusion of separation.
When you are being the REAL YOU can be anything, have anything, and choose anything: a future that is better than anything you can imagine.
So if you are ready to learn the step-by-step tools, processes and vibrational shifts that I personally used to create my own DREAM LIFE, then please join me for…
- Discover The Six Principles and learn how to align with Universal truth to attain lasting happiness, freedom and fulfillment
- Experience powerful processing that will rewrite your past & align your future to match your deepest desires
- Uncover the difference between your Divine Self and your Human Self so you can begin operating from your Divine self each and every day
- Re-write your core programs to open up to infinite love and possibility
- Gain an in-depth understanding of the way limited reality works and learn valuable tools that you can use in any moment to shift the patterns that have been subconsciously limiting you
- Be guided through powerful releasing activations to get rid of negative patterns for good
- Release the illusion of judgment and embrace radical self-love
- Reclaim your amazing talents and abilities
It Doesn’t Stop with the In Person and Online Programs...Here’s Some Special Extras You Get...
When you join the coaching program you will have the opportunity to connect Live with Rikka 4 times per month and with an Adventure In Oneness Team Member once monthly for Livestream calls.
That means you get to connect with your Soul Family all month long and be guided deeper and deeper into the magical realms where real transformation takes place.
What’s Included:

Life Transformed™ Training Livestreams
A Two-Hour Interactive Livestream every month and a library of Rikka’s training videos where you will learn Life Transformed™ Processes you can use on your private clients and in your own life. Gain valuable insight and awareness that will allow you to understand how to change anything for anyone. (Including yourself!)
In order for you to fully understand these must first go through them. These processes will create massive expansion in your life, so hold onto your hats!
You will pair up with another Life Transformed™ coach and run these processes on each other. This will give you the "real life" practice you need so that you can feel confident leading your clients through them.
During these trainings you will:
- Learn Dynamic Processes that you will get to run on your private clients
- Gain the knowledge and awareness of how to get anyone out of any part of limited reality
- Have a platform of processes that you will use to book "packages" with your clients. Instead of earning income on one session, you'll book a 3-12 month packages
- Receive powerful shifts in your own life as a result of running these processes
- Ask me questions during our Question & Answer sessions that will give you deeper insight into these processes and your own life
- Have 24/7 access to all Livestream recordings...

Monthly Homeplay Assignments
These assignments are designed to lay the foundation for your growth and expansion into your new, magnificent life and coaching business!

Monthly Zoom: Group Gathering with Nikole Kadel
A monthly energetic gathering of the coaches facilitated by a team member to answer questions and bring forward the collective wisdom and extra support around the coaching program.

A Community of Peer Support
You will work with your beloved community of Life Transformed™ coaches to help you take the information you learn even further through group collaboration and discussion.
there is more...
To make this opportunity even juicier for you, I’m including yearlong access to my Exclusive Group Coaching with Rikka Program.
Exclusive Group Coaching with Rikka
$̶5,500 Included in LT Coaching Program
Join me 3 times a month as I facilitate a Q&A coaching session and activation session that brings in the brand-new, cutting-edge consciousness! That’s just one tiny piece of the treasure trove of goodies you receive with your year-long Exclusive Group Coaching.
This Exclusive Group Coaching Program also includes access to hundreds of hours of archived video and audio sessions by Rikka on every topic in the world of consciousness.
Your Group Coaching lasts until
January 31, 2023!

Be inspired by the real life TRANSFORMATIONS from the Life Transformed Coaching Program.
The Life Transformed coaching program has been an amazing journey for me. Initially I didn’t think I could sign up for it on account of the cost. How would I have the money to sign up? I eventually surrendered. And the money showed up: miraculously! But was it miraculous? Or was it that I am, as we all are, continually, consistently supported and when we surrender we automatically are guided to receiving what we are already being in our hearts?
Irisha, Asheville, NC
This program also put me on a path of doing what I love most: playing with people in the arena of becoming who we really are, attaining genuine self-love and literally becoming the magic and miracle of transformation. I have also started coaching. It has been so much joy to feel its transformative magic in another and to experience it exponentially in me from just being the coach.
I feel Rikka has alchemically transformed my heart into what it was always intended to Be! I feel all the people in the program, the staff and the participants in the program, much like so many angels, supported me in this transformation! It has truly been a glorious journey!
Evan though I have been a marriage and family counselor for over 35 years, this year in the coaching program took me way deeper than anything I have ever experienced for training, including my degrees. I evolved with my clients and business, but most importantly, I evolved in my heart, soul and being and thus bring much more presence and love to family and clients. I believe Rikka is teaching us the energetics of healing that no one else on the earth is teaching. Anyone in this program is privileged to learn from this master.
Jane Winter, Kauai, HI
I love this program!! Life Transformed has given me the perfect tools, information, facilitation, and resources to successfully launch my transformational coaching business and to live the life I love. There really is nothing else out there that offers such high level consciousness facilitation with specific tools and processes, along with business and marketing info to help you get from where you are to where you want to go in your coaching career. Life Transformed is for someone who wants the whole deal - to be their own amazing, joy-filled, unique self and to get paid for being it!
Christine Elder
As a member of Rikka Zimmerman's Life Transformed coaching program, during her cancer diagnosis and treatment, our whole community participated in this apparent crisis with shifts in perception that have brought us many blessings. Her own generosity and gratitude are without parallel. The poem below is dedicated to her, my fellow coaches and all you Peter Pans out there.
Sally Naylor, Coral Springs, FL
I love this program!! Life Transformed has given me the perfect tools, information, facilitation, and resources to successfully launch my transformational coaching business and to live the life I love. There really is nothing else out there that offers such high level consciousness facilitation with specific tools and processes, along with business and marketing info to help you get from where you are to where you want to go in your coaching career. Life Transformed is for someone who wants the whole deal - to be their own amazing, joy-filled, unique self and to get paid for being it!
Christine, Salem, OR
WOW....where do I begin??? The Life Transformed Coaching Program has changed my life for the better! I am embarking on a brand new chapter in my life AND I am starting a new business! A business where I get to share my gifts, assist others, raising consciousness and earn money doing it. It feels awesome! I have let go of old limitations and stuck emotions that i did not know where there! I have grown so much and I am a brand "new ME"! Rikka and her the AIO team: Nikole, Meghann, Zach, Nate are amazing rock stars!! I have made great friendships plus receive an enormous amount of support from people all around the world. I am so grateful I chose Rikka's program and I am forever transformed!!! I would encourage you to sign up, it will be the gift that just keeps on giving! I love each of you:)
Rosanna , Central, PA
For the first time in my whole knowing life I find myself waking up in joy and gratitude and clarity and grace. What I get to experience, I never in my wildest dreams knew was possible. And it's because I said yes. I held a space for myself last November when I knew I needed to make my yes a YES. I could itemize a list of all the events that have taken place this year with grace and ease as the first YES to Life Transformed just expanded and expanded into more and more yeses… into more and more of a true treasure my life is. A glittering masterpiece unfurling moment by beautiful moment, with more and more on the way rippling out from my continued answering to the Yes Life Transformed is. Thank you, OMG THANK YOU!!! Radiant magnificence.
Arianna, Alberta, Canada
I have easily and effortlessly joined Rikka's the coaching program, feeling fully supported by loved ones that I thought would never support me, and soooo supported financially. Last year I had none of these things, was still feeling powerless and running old patterns of fear around survival. But I did the release work...... ALOT! And I will keep doing it. It's just the beginning! OMG thank you Rikka and everyone, Yay for all of us. I love you all very much. xxooo
Angela, Camarillo, CA
I've just completed a (booked out) 2 Day "Infinite Freedom" Retreat in Kangaroo Valley, rocking’ the 6 Principles!!!! Everyone adored it and I learned so much as I facilitated and opened... and I am SO grateful to Rikka for the transformation in myself and for giving me a way to let it flow out into the world!
Suzy XO
Happy Happy Love Love Love!

Are you ready to play BIGGER and ACCELERATE your transformation?
With the DIAMOND program, you will not only work with Rikka for an entire year in the Life Transformed Coaching Certification Program, but you will also experience working with Rikka one on one by quickly deep diving into your new life of transformation.
With DIAMOND, you get:
2021 Yearlong Life Transformed Coaching Certification Program (Value: $59,200)
VIP overnight private class curated for you at Rikka’s home in Ojai, California (Value: $30,000)
1 90-minute VIP day planning meeting with Rikka (Value: $3400)
2 90-minute private sessions with Rikka (Value: $6800)
2 private emergency emails to Rikka with recorded audio voice text facilitation response by Rikka (Value: $2500)
Questions? Here are a few answers to help you decide whether the Life Transformed™ Coaching Certification Program is something your heart is calling you to do.
I don’t have the time! I’m already so busy.
A. How many times have you told yourself: “I don’t have the time”? Is this belief robbing you of choosing what is truly in your heart? Is it preventing you from showing up fully as the greatness of YOU, and being everything that you came to this planet to be?
This Coaching Certification program will improve your life beyond your wildest imagination, because you’ll finally be FREE and TRULY HAPPY, instead of just “busy”! It also gives you the tools, vibrational alignment, and awareness to have a successful coaching business. You’ll earn a better income doing something that brings you ultimate joy: being yourself and sharing your light, love, and awareness with the world! Is that something that you would like to give your time and energy to? For me, it’s the only thing that is important. Being my true self. What would your life be like if that was the most important, most valuable thing to YOU? Imagine the new perspective you’ll gain on spending your time doing what really matters!
I don’t want to commit to a whole year.
A. I sat with Guidance and discussed how long this program needs to be in order for you to lay the foundation to be everything that you came here to be. And the response I received was “one year.”
There is a wealth of information and connection to these higher planes of existence that I need to guide you to, and we need the time together to grow these “muscles” so you can lead groups of hundreds or thousands and be able to maintain these high vibrations… and impact the world.
Then, there is a foundation of Life Transformed™ awareness, questions and tools that you need in order to work with clients that we also need to build. Throughout this program, I am going to pull back the curtain and show you how I facilitate private sessions and large groups, and how I created a 7 figure business.
I don’t have the money.
A. A coaching program like this would normally be a $20,000-25,000 investment. Consider this: If you were going to attend Harvard for one year, the tuition would be $38,891. In the 4 years to get your degree you would spend $155,564 for your education!
This is an educational program that no one else in the world can deliver like I can. This program is going to train you to open up to your unique and special talents and abilities and facilitate others in having their most magnificent life! In the process you will receive exclusive behind the scenes awareness and secrets about facilitating your clients (and yourself) that you will not only use with your clients but in the process transform your life into everything it can be!
So, NOW are you ready?
Open Up to Your Unique Talents and Abilities and Transform Your Life and Business into Your Absolute Dream Existence
My favorite thing in the whole world would be to assist you in showing up as who you actually came to this planet to be.
It would bring me so much joy to walk you step by step into the magnificent being that you are.
I can't wait to see the look on your face as you witness yourself creating miracles by being the real YOU!
You are destined for greatness! You are a world leader in the consciousness evolution and when you lead, the rest of the world will follow.
Step into your divine insights, talents, and abilities! They have already begun to awaken inside of you…
It’s time to fully express and BE your true self in the world! It’s time to set yourself free to be who you were born to be! And it’s time to create the business of your dreams that will help others lead THEIR most magnificent lives!
Apply for the Life Transformed™ Coaching Certification Program today.
Rikka Zimmerman
PS: I am completely committed to YOU: to guiding you toward the love, toward the light, toward the infinite possibility in your life, and we are SO doing this together!!

Take the Next Step Towards the Life of Your Dreams!
You Are Here Because You Have Been EXCLUSIVELY Invited to Join Me and Our Soul Community in 2022 for my Yearlong Life Transformed Coaching Program.
This is a formal invite to be considered for this program.
Please read the application and consideration process below.
There are 3 Opportunities to Lock in Your Special Reduced Tuition to Join the Life Transformed Coaching Program.
- Choose your preferred Coaching Program Level below and purchase the Special Reduced Tuition. This will save your spot in our Coaching program once you have been formally accepted.
- Once you submit your payment, you will receive a detailed email with your next steps which will include:
- Booking your Exploratory Coaching Session with one of our certified Life Transformed™ coaches.
- Filling in our Life Transformed Coaching Program Application. This is important so we can learn more about you!
- Then you will have your Exploratory Coaching Session which will be a beautiful unveiling of how we can work together. We are holding the energetic space and vision of you joining us and beginning your magical life's journey!

Explore which level is right for you!
Coaching Tuition Options
Got questions before making a payment?
You may book an Exploratory Coaching Call with a Life Transformed Coach to learn more and get your questions answered. To book your call, simply email [email protected] with the subject line: "I'd like to book a coaching call."
*Refunds: At this time, there are no refunds for the Life Transformed Coaching Program or for any initial payments made.*
*Once initial payment has been made, and you have formally been accepted into the Life Transformed Coaching Program, you will be issued a contract to review and sign. *
* If for any reason you are not selected this year, you will be reimbursed your down payment.*
**LT Coaching calls with Rikka will be scheduled on select facilitation days throughout the year.
**Travel, lodging, food and expenses are not included for In Person classes.