Mastering the Three Levels of Consciousness So You Can Break Free from Recurring Patterns and Transform Your Life

Join Rikka for an essential Livestream event, where you’ll explore the depths of human consciousness and reveal how you can finally break free from the recurring patterns that have kept your life on a seemingly endless loop.

Do you ever feel trapped in a cycle where every step forward is met with an inevitable step back? Imagine finding a chunk of money that promises financial freedom, only to slide back into debt.

Or escaping a damaging relationship, only to find the same patterns reemerging with someone new. It's not just frustrating; it feels like Groundhog Day in real life!

Why does this happen?

Because we are on an ascension spiral towards the dimension of absolute truth, and each turn around this spiral offers us a chance to let go of the illusion and step into the reality of our choice. When the truth is fully realized in any dimension, we are able to ascend.

So the BIG question is, how do we fully realize the truth so we can graduate from the dimensions that we are not enjoying?

It’s a powerful question and I can’t wait to dive in during our livestream call!

In this powerful 90-minute livestream, you will:

Discover the 3 Levels of consciousness and learn how to identify which one you're currently navigating
Learn how to ascend the spiral with tools and processes to transition from one level of consciousness to another
Find out how you could be holding yourself back from ascending by accidently using tools that don’t work in each level of consciousness
Experience a transformative activation designed to align your energy with the level of consciousness necessary for your personal growth and ascension

This livestream is your opportunity to gain the clarity and tools you need to break free.

You'll leave with a clear roadmap—tailored specifically to what level your consciousness is currently trapped in—that will empower you to know exactly what tools will work to ascend into the life you truly desire, free from the patterns of the past.

It's time to step out of the loop and into your power, with the knowledge and tools that will support your ascent every step of the way!

Meet Rikka Zimmerman

Rikka is a global leader in consciousness, the creator of Adventure In Oneness, acclaimed international speaker, author, singer and songwriter. Propelled by her unbounded love for humanity, Rikka travels the world and works with thousands of people, radiating a vibration of joy, peace, possibility and Oneness in all she does.

Her light is a beacon of inspiration, inviting each person on the planet to remember, embrace and BE the magnificent, unique expression of the divine they were born to be! 

What They Are Saying About Rikka

"Rikka is one of the preeminent transformational teachers and healers of our time. Once you work with Rikka you will say "What story? What trauma? Instead feeling the pure embodiment of you as oneness, love and light."

Jennifer McLean

CEO, McLean MasterWorks

"Rikka is love embodied and pure joy in action. The transformation that Rikka creates through her facilitation is amazing — she has the ability to take people from a place of despair and return them to a place of self-love and empowerment, all in a way that is often unexpected."

Derek Rydall

Best-Selling Author & Transformational Coach

"If there’s anyone who knows the importance of each one of us being madly, unequivocally in love with ourselves, it’s Rikka. If you’re looking for the missing piece that will take you into your next level of success I highly recommend you work with won't regret it!"

Natalie Ledwell

Co-Founder Mind Movies

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