We are so overjoyed and so FULL OF LOVE that you have chosen to join us in Los Angeles on May 12-14, 2017!
You have chosen to stand with me and Awaken Heaven On Earth—how cool is that!!
We will be standing together as representatives of the collective consciousness who are choosing to awaken the world to transform into what we know is possible.
Where only love is real. Where no human has the capacity to harm anyone or anything. Where there is no hunger, no war, no pain, no destruction. Where all our hearts beat as one with the heart of love.
You have said YES to an incredible life-changing journey that will not only transform your own life, but also begin the transformation process for everyone living on this planet.
I am just SO excited!
Now, for the logistics:
Lodging Details
If you need to book lodging, we have a special room rate at the Ayers Hotel Manhattan Beach/Hawthorne
To get your group discounted room at the Ayres Hotel, you will need to call our coordinators directly and they will take care of you.
Lori Higgins and Lori Anne
Their number is: 1-310-220-6447
The reservation line and others at this hotel are not able to give our group discount. Please talk directly with Lori Higgins or Lori Anne.
You will also receive an email confirmation, so keep an eye on your Inbox for that and further event details as the event gets closer!
See you soon!
Loving you,