October 18th - 24th, 2015
If You’re Ready to Embark on an Exhilarating Adventure That WILL Expand Your Consciousness as You Fully Transform Your Life, This Is for YOU.
In Just 7 Days, Experience a Total Shift in Your Energy and Vibration! Become Empowered, and Step into Your Highest Self So You Can Finally Reach the Highest Echelons of Complete Joy and Fulfillment.
You CAN live the life of your dreams – and it’s going to be even better than you imagined!

From the desk of Rikka Zimmerman:
Dear Beautiful Soul,
Do any of the following sound familiar?
- You know there’s more to life than what you’re currently experiencing. But for the life of you, you can’t figure out what’s.
- Life feels like a struggle. You have a feeling it shouldn’t be so hard, all the time, but you don’t know how to “smooth out” the path.
- You stress about money … time … commitments … let’s face it: you stress a LOT.
- You feel like you’re not good enough, so you keep yourself small to avoid being judged. No matter how hard you try to change, your thoughts just keep circling back!
- You’ve spent time and money on consciousness classes – but they haven’t worked. The changes didn’t feel authentic, and they certainly didn’t last.
- You know, deep inside, that you have a bright, brilliant, beautiful message to share… but you don’t know exactly what it is, or how to get it out there.
Above all, you’re sick and tired of looking for that “better way,” and you just want the “magic bullet” already!
Magic. Joy. Peace. Ease. Abundance.
It DOES exist. And it can be yours.
Before going to the 7-day Adventure in Oneness class in Hawaii in 2012 with Rikka, I had a deep fear of the water, no pun intended. We were on the boat the day of our dolphin swim. I was petrified. I got in the water once and almost immediately got back on the boat. Then Rikka took me in again. The dolphins were swirling around me, I put my face in the water to feel their immense energy and to received their download. What happened next was beyond my wildest expectations and beyond explanation. I went through a physical transformation that unlocked a health condition of 15 years, right then and there. Not only did I get over the fear of water, but had a miraculous healing at the same time. This class is worth the dolphin swim by itself, let alone the week-long immersion with Rikka which is out of this world!
Sondra Maryland
Imagine what life would be like when:
- You know exactly how to manifest the life of your dreams. It’s effortless, fun, and abundant. You feel like you are radiating joy, all the time!
- You learn how to implement real, lasting change into your life.
- You live in abundance. All good things flow to you easily and frequently.
- You love your body, your relationships, and all your experiences. Happiness just flows out of you – ALL the time!
Guess what, Beloved Friend?!
I’ve got that “magic bullet” - and I SO want to give it to you!
“It’s tough to put my experience with Adventure in Oneness in Hawaii into words, I felt like I was with my long lost soul family. I have started down the path of a new career, my true calling, which is so fun and exciting! People have made comments to me like “What did you do in Hawaii, you are so happy?” I have been out in public and met random people and had amazing conversations; it’s almost like I’m a magnet for more conscious-seeking like-minded people. The class in Hawaii was the best investment I have ever made in myself; I stepped into more beauty and bliss in one week than in 7 years of spiritual work!”
Brennan California
I’m Rikka Zimmerman, and I’ve spent the last 10 years traveling the world, helping hundreds of thousands of people to be the magnificent, amazing beings they truly are, as they effortlessly tap in to everything life has to offer.
My story:
My journey in consciousness began in the heavier dimension of separation - or as I like to call it “The Not.” Every day, I was experiencing the heavy, debilitating emotions like lack, fear, hurt, pain, anger, doubt, shame, and regret.
This is NOT a place to live!
And my life reflected it, too. Even though I was on a journey into consciousness, I still walled-into a tight fortress of pain.
Even though I was actively studying what is “possible” - everything from quantum physics (which shows us that nothing is solid and everything is possible) to studying how time and distance are not actually “real,” according to master teachers in consciousness.
But it still seemed a bit “foreign” to me. The possibilities remained just out of my reach…
I was in a position that’s probably very similar to the one you're in now. Struggling. With relationships, with self-love, with business, and with life in general. I was $80,000 dollars in debt. I was dying inside.
I remember not even being able to have someone contribute to me or pay me a compliment because it felt like it was an insult in disguise!
I would get my feelings hurt constantly and I was always on the defensive. I was living in a fortress of pain, with spiky defenses all around me. I thought this was protecting me -- that it was keeping me from unraveling into “what” or “who” I was destined to be.
I was exhausted – mentally and emotionally.
But when I figured out how to raise my vibration and step into the highest echelons of love and joy, everything unlocked. It was as if every aspect of my life suddenly SNAPPED into place, and my life has never been the same.
I met my soul mate, my business expanded, and my relationships were strengthened. New opportunities continue showing up that I never would have imagined possible just a few years ago!
And, most importantly, I discovered exactly how to do this for others.
I can help you truly change your life, embrace all the wondrous possibilities, and open your heart and soul to a new way of living that is peaceful, expansive, full of joy and abundance.
I have FINALLY figured it ALL out! I have everything I’ve ever wanted – a life AND a thriving business I absolutely love.
And now, my greatest mission is to help YOU experience your absolute most wonderful existence – the one you’re destined for!
Let me show you how you CAN live the life of your dreams! You CAN raise your vibration to a whole new echelon of joy, love, freedom, and light – so you can live the life you’ve always desired, but didn’t know how to realize.
Believe me when I say I live the life of my dreams! I have a wonderful, amazing soul mate, I help thousands of people live their best lives, and I make as much money as I want.
But more importantly:
I am joyful in everything I do.
And YOU can experience the same when you join me for my 7-Day Adventure In Oneness Retreat! This is a life 7-day event in beautiful Hawaii! (It’s paradise – really!)
Dearest One, it’s time to stop struggling!
Introducing …

October 18 – 24, 2015 at the beautiful Mauna Lani Bay Hotel & Bungalows
on the Big Island of Hawaii.
“At the Hawaii retreat, I gave myself the permission to let go, and let the emotions of anger and rage scream out of my system. On the other side, I felt a blissful, sensual feeling. Upon returning from the retreat, I’m enjoying a job that I had resented and detested before Hawaii, I’ve changed the people I’m spending time with and feeling at peace. I’ve been laughing at the the craziness at work; I feel no anger, no guilt, just calm. It is a beautiful feeling that I didn’t think was possible!”
Linda California
Picture yourself Oceanside ... every cell of your beautiful body amidst the volcanic creation energy that infuses the magical Big Island of Hawaii… waking up to the glorious experience of pure joy, each morning!

- Diving deep into the divine energy of your highest self
- Flowing with vibrations of bliss and joy beyond your wildest imagination
- Immersed in the Universe of Love that you truly are
Imagine experiencing heaven on earth!!
During this week-long retreat, you’ll experience powerful teaching, activations, facilitations and experiences that will finally make it ALL make sense, as everything aligns and you experience an entirely new echelon of energy, joy, and complete ease and fulfillment.
You will:
- Escape the daily hustle & bustle of life – free from distractions – so you can immerse yourself fully in the experience. You WILL walk away transformed!
- Release old patterns that are keeping you “stuck” – even if you’re not aware of them. This will help you let go of old pain and trauma, so you can begin again from a brand new space of creation!
- Discover the keys to unlocking your best life – and guess what? They’re already inside of you! You’ll learn how to experience the relationships, unconditional love, wealth, happiness, and freedom you’ve always wished for.
- Experience massive energetic shifts that allow you to bask in the vibration of bliss, joy, and ecstasy – while falling in love with yourself and your life, all over again.
- Gain a deep sense of how loved you are, which you’ll carry with you every moment of every day.
- Feel a sense of freedom and spaciousness that is greater than anything you’ve ever experienced before.
- Swim with wild spinner dolphins and experience life-changing downloads from these multi-dimensional beings.
- Be 200% present in your life and enjoy everything more than you ever thought possible!
- And more!
“For me, the Hawaii retreat was all about letting go of all the beliefs and heaviness, so that I could experience what had always been there that I just could not see. I had been working in western medicine for the past 20 years was feeling really frustrated and I could not see any other options. Just before going to Hawaii, I was offered an early retirement to spare me from 10-15 more years in a job I no longer loved! Immediately upon returning from Hawaii, everything fell into place – free office space, new work associates, and amazing people to support me. I had no resistance wherever I turned to set things up, amazing !!! I still feel nervous as I walk through barriers of fear and resistance, but because of this retreat, I now know its just energy and as I observe it and allow it and release it without trying to define it, it really does go away!”
May Ann California
This event is like nothing you’ve ever experienced before!
During the last Hawaii event, one participant had lived for 10 years with debilitating migraines. After her first class with me, they disappeared! She confided that she went “from a half dead zombie to an angel of light.” How cool is that?!?!
Here’s a glimpse of what you can expect:
- Each day will include facilitations of potent, palpable, vibrational shifts in a variety of interactive sessions that will infinitely expand your life and allow you to embody your highest self.
- I’ll guide you through acknowledging and breaking through your deepest fears, as we quickly get to the root of all the things that are keeping you from yourself!
- You’ll FEEL lighter, and enjoy more joy & ease in your life! Be more present in every moment, and feel more connected to everyone and to Oneness.
Plus, you’ll also learn from my carefully-selected energetic superstars, who will be there to support you and your vibrational expansion as much as possible during this week of total AWESOMEONESS!
These extra classes are specially chosen to give you even more tools for your self-love toolbox, so you can create the magnificent life you know is possible!

The Nature of Your Highest Self-Healing Session with Nikole Kadel
Join Nikole as she masterfully guides you in surrendering fully to your divine connection with this earth, so that you and your body can receive, energetically supported in every moment. Just imagine receiving contribution from everywhere and everything! During this class, you’ll tap into a world of magical vibrational frequencies that we don’t even have words for! The Earth and you are connected in Oneness! The elements of the Earth are the elements of your body. There is no separation.

Vibrational Alignment Group Healing Session with
Zach Rehder
Zach’s innate talent to make old “stuck” information and patterns disappear is unprecedented. He works with a field of energy beyond reality to bring you and your body into a whole new dimension. How many thoughts, feeling, and emotions have you locked into your body? How many limitations, programs and implants are running your life? Bring all your energetic baggage that you have been carrying around and prepare to let it all go! Zach assists people in removing the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual obstacles that hinder them, so they are able to clearly hear – and follow – their inner guidance with ease.
I’ve designed every nano-second of the Hawaii retreat to authentically empower you to embody your highest self!
“Prior to the Hawaii retreat, I was struggling with the “I’m not good enough” and I was still making others and other things “greater than me”. During the class, my body and being transformed on what I can only say was on a “micro molecular” level – a transformation within me that brought me back to me. I am HOME! Despite the fact that December is traditionally a slow month in my business, I closed 100% more sales in December 2012 than I did in 2011. In addition, a new job opportunity fell into my lap. Prior to Rikka’s classes, I never would have even pursued this job. Now I KNOW I’m good enough!”
Nancy Hawaii
The ticket to this life-changing retreat is just $2497.00 until October 18th
Following our last Hawaii retreat, I conducted a survey to find out how participants felt about their experience.
Check this out!
- 100% of the class attendees are now happier and more joyful in their lives
- 100% of the class attendees said their life expanded
- 100% of the class attendees are experiencing more energy in their bodies
- 100% of the class attendees now enjoy expanded and improved relationships
- 100% of the class attendees have a greater understanding of their consciousness
- 100% of the class attendees are resonating at a higher vibration
- 100% of the class attendees said it changed their lives for the better
WOW – the proof really IS in the numbers!
Doesn’t this sound amazing?!
I can promise you this…
This is a deep-dive retreat for people who want to transform their lives and make significant changes. Everything in this week-long event will change the platform of energy from which you live your life.
You will not leave the event the same as you were coming into it. You’ll be connected to your higher self and live a lighter, more free, more full-of-love and joy life than you can even imagine.
Not only are you amazing spiritually, I also discovered how incredibly smart you are; you use all your divine gifts to perfection! Thank you for being amazing, loving, divine, orgasmically playful you!
David California

I’m sure right about now you’re thinking, “Rikka, this sounds wonderful! It really does sound like paradise! But what’s the cost?”
Ah, the cost…
Let me ask you this:
If you knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that you would raise your vibration into a whole new echelon of joy, love, freedom, and lightness that you’ve always desired and known existed but could never attain – in just 7 days - what price tag would YOU put on it?
I think it’s priceless!
And I want to invite you to think of this as an investment, rather than a cost. And as you know, an investment is completely different than a cost, because it brings you a high return.
So really – is there anything better to invest in than yourself??
How much would you pay to experience pure bliss, joy, abundance, love, and freedom?
$10,000? $20,000? $50,000?
Guess what? You can reach out and grasp the life of your dreams for far less!
The ticket to this life-changing retreat is just $2497.00 until October 18th!
Plus, you’re backed by my “Life Transformed Guarantee”!
I’m confident that when you arrive at the 7-Day Adventure In Oneness Retreat, you’ll attend the first day and feel all the wonderful energies of possibility open up for you! I also know that if you’re completely present and open, this event WILL be a life-transforming experience.
And to back that up, I’ll give you until the end of the first day to decide if it’s for you… in your heart. And if it’s not, you let us know before session start on Day 2, and we will give you a full refund. 100%! No questions asked
Now, maybe, at this very moment, you’re wondering if what you receive is worth your $2497.00 investment. Let me ask you this – what would it be worth to you to:
- Stop playing small to avoid judgment and release the resistance and fear?
- Connect with the bright, brilliant, beautiful message you are here to share with the world?
- Step into the greatness you are destined for – and start living the life of your dreams?
- Have a joyful, abundant relationship with money?
- Love your body and experience joy in every moment?
- Enjoy deep, meaningful relationships full of love?
Would you pay $2497.00 to have the life you’ve always wanted?
I know I would!
But maybe you still have some questions.
Below, I’ve included a few of the ones I hear most frequently, and their answers, to help you make your decision.
Q. I don’t think I can afford it. How do I KNOW it’s really worth the $2497.00
A. You’re not alone! We understand this is an investment. But if this is the only reason you wouldn’t attend, I invite you to shift your perspective, for a moment.
It really isn’t the money. (I know – keep reading!) It’s actually worthiness that keeps beautiful beings like you, who want to say yes to the life of their dreams, from having that life. This IS the Magic Bullet to having the life you’ve always wanted – the life you deserve. Taking a class with me is like jumping on a rocket ship to your destiny – you get the results you want FAST. So isn’t it worth it, to be able to finally stop wishing and hoping for your life to be better – to finally take action toward MAKING it incredible?
If money wasn’t an issue, what would you choose? When you take it out of the equation, it allows you to truly follow your heart. And when you do, the universe provides for whatever it is that you are choosing. So what does your heart want to do?
When you say yes and commit to your yes, money will show up in ways you can’t imagine!
Q. Will this really work for me?
A. Dear Heart – it WILL! I’ve transformed the lives of thousands of people over the last ten years. But instead of getting me through the phone or internet, you’ll get me in person! And it will transform your life!
Q. I can’t spend this much time away from my family, job, and life!
A. How long have you spent frustrated, feeling less-than-worthy, struggling to make your finances, relationships, and health all you want them to be? Can you really afford to stay stuck?
One week is all you need to make an enormous transformation in your life! You can put all the years of struggle behind you - in just 7 days.
THANK YOU SO MUCH for such a superamazing, superawesome, super transformational heaven-on-earth experience of a lifetime! I reached home after the retreat feeling so free and intoxicated and still in a “hangover” even as I write this! Rikka, you’re a potent miraculous gift from the Universe, thank you for your guidance in making me remember the love that I truly am! Infinite love, orgasmic bliss, radical joy, boundless freedom, endless peace, effervescent gratitude, limitless abundance, overflowing fun and adventure, expansive intimacy to you all!
Mila Canada
So, are you ready?
Yes, Rikka! I’m ready to join you in beautiful Hawaii for your
7-Day Adventure In Oneness Retreat!
Sign up by October 18th for
Only $2497.00
The price of your Hawaii Retreat ticket is only $2497.00. You will receive…
- The full 7-Day experience held October 18th – 24th in the beautiful Big Island of Hawaii
- Live activations, facilitations and teachings, directly from Rikka and guest speakers
- Workshops with Rikka's hand-picked team of transformational masters
And you are covered by the Life Transformed Guarantee! If you attend Day 1 and decide that it isn’t right for you, please let the AIO team know before the start of Day 2, and we will give you a full refund. 100%! No questions asked.
** There is no repeater discount for this special retreat" and "VIB Membership 10% off cannot be combined with other offers, with the exception of combining it with the Yearly VIB Member class certificate
*** We will have an optional outing to swim up close with the wild Hawaiian spinner dolphins! Once your register for the class we will send you information about signing up for the dolphin adventure if you would like to participate. The price is an additional $120. Limited spots available.
**** Price does not include travel, accommodations or food.
Rikka encourages each of you, when deciding to attend the "Awakening Your New World" event in October 2015 , to consider uncertainty when you make your travel and hotel arrangements and consider purchasing travel insurance. Adventure in Oneness will not reimburse participants' expenses above the amount of what you paid for your registration for the conference should the conference be cancelled.
If you’re ready to create the life of your dreams, enroll now!
The magic of the Big Island is calling!

P.S. I know I said this above, but it’s worth repeating:
Take a moment and picture yourself Oceanside, immersed the volcanic creation energy that infuses the magical Big Island of Hawaii… Imagine diving deep into the divine energy of your highest self, flowing with vibrations of bliss and joy beyond your wildest imagination…
You CAN wake up every day to the glorious experience of pure joy! Join me in Hawaii!
Contact our hosts with any questions:
Jane Winter
Robyn DeBonet