
Are you ready to end the cycle of Self-Judgment and embark on a life overflowing with divine love, joy, freedom and magic?

Is your life a roller coaster of good experiences, followed by bad experiences, followed by more good?

Are you constantly in judgment? (Judging yourself, the past, the future … while receiving judgment from others, too?)

Do you feel like you’re simultaneously working to manifest the future of your dreams, while trying so hard to avoid the one you don’t want?

If any of this sounds familiar...

Join me for my 3-hour pre-recorded
Ending Self Judgment Livestream Activation

Beautiful soul - every time you participate in judgment, you’re locking yourself into a self-imposed jail, using your God given talent of creating your own universe against you!

Every fixed perspective or judgment places you in the world of limitation. You begin existing FOR judgment instead of FOR yourself.  And that prevents you from living the life you’ve always wanted!

Are you finally ready to end judgment? Ready to set you and your energy free to experience the peace, joy and freedom of the real YOU?!

Join me and you will:

Most importantly, you will experience live activations and learn valuable tools that will allow you to vibrationally open up to the joy of living without judgment of any kind, so you can feel the universe of love, light and infinite possibilities that exists when you are FREE!

It’s time, Dear One… And it’s going to change your life!

Join me!

buy now

Watch the Ending Self Judgment 30 Minute Kickoff Livestream Below. Or Fast Track and Get the 3 Hour Life-changing Activation On This Page for Only $47!

Thank you so much for your interest in taking your journey even further into who you truly are. You are LOVE it’s self. And if you’re experiencing anything less then that, then you are settling for something less then you deserve.

Feel into taking this Activation Series Course… is your next step in your conscious evolution? That’s so exciting for me because when you’re ready to surrender to the depths of You, you’re on your way to having the most amazing, awesome, epic life ever! Better than anything you can currently imagine!

This work has single handedly changed my life more then anything else. As I’ve returned to my true self everything I ever wanted or desired has shown up in my life and more. I want you to have this amazing of a life too! Because it IS possible. And you deserve it.

It brings me so much joy to bring you home to You. It is my honor, a blessing and a privilege to get to serve you at this time.

Loving you always in all ways,

Rikka is a global leader in consciousness, the creator of Adventure In Oneness® and the Life Transformed™ tools and processes acclaimed international speaker, author, singer/songwriter. Propelled by her unbounded love for humanity, Rikka travels the world and works with thousands of people, radiating a vibration of joy, peace, possibility and Oneness in all she does. Her light is a beacon of inspiration, inviting each person on the planet to remember, embrace and BE the magnificent, unique expression of the divine they were born to be!