Join Rikka For 2 ½ Days in the LOVE of Goddess Sisterhood!
Los Angeles, CA
June 1-3, 2018

Join Rikka in person and experience the power of the Divine Goddess Collective! Immerse yourself with the gift of sisterhood safety that will allow you to fully BE and EXPRESS the Divine Goddess that you truly are.
Dear Goddess friend… may I ask you…
Why are you not being the Divine Goddess you truly are right now?
The truth is… you don’t feel safe.
I invite you to ask yourself:
- Am I safe to live in total bliss? If the answer is no, then this is why you don’t let yourself feel bliss
- Am I safe to live in unbounded joy? If the answer is no, then this is why you don’t let yourself have unbounded joy
- Am I safe to have all my sacred pleasure? If the answer is no, then this is why you don’t let yourself have sacred pleasure
- Am I safe to feel that me and my body are exquisitely beautiful? If the answer is no, then this is why you don’t let you and your body be exquisitely, majestically, stunningly, beautiful
In a nutshell my Goddess friend, you don’t feel safe to express all of who you divinely are in the world.
How could you? You have never had a soul family of sisters standing for you - acknowledging your beauty, holding you in love, seeing your sexual energy as a sacred and holy gift, and giving you permission to shine your light of bliss and joy.
How could you expect you to feel safe to BE and EXPRESS this when it hasn’t been safe? When the world is not safe. When men are not safe. When our mothers and fathers haven’t been safe.
Is it time to give yourself the gift of the foundation of safety that allows you to fully be and express your Divine Goddess?
During our 2 ½ powerful days together, you will:
- Experience safety as you are embraced by your sisterhood of Goddesses to pave the way to fully BE and EXPRESS your Divine Goddess
- Reframe your perspective of your SELF from who you think you are into naturally expressing the Divine Goddess you really are
- Be held and supported by the group as you stand before your sisterhood powerfully claiming your place on the throne of your kingdom
- Reclaim your SELF-CONFIDENCE to walk through the world able to receive anything, do anything, knowing the gift you are to this planet
- Return to a place of unwavering STRENGTH so that you can face any challenge in life and no longer be affected by outside circumstances
- Reignite the JOY you have in being your magnificent SELF that is your birthright. You are the cat’s meow! You are the best thing since sliced bread!

Take Your Place In The Goddess Circle
During our Divine Goddess Initiation, you will experience heightened awareness and sensation of the Divine Goddess you truly are.
When you join us in person, you will:
- Participate in deep and powerful light activations to awaken the SACRED PLEASURE in your root and second chakra
- Receive Divine Goddess activating elixirs designed to activate the Divine Goddess within on a cellular level
- Heal your soul as you fall into the support and safety of the Goddess Circle of Love
- Awaken your Goddess body through sacred dance ceremonies and achieve a level of BLISS in your body that you never thought possible
A High Priestess of Bali, Ida Resi Alit, Will Join Our Goddess Circle to Give a Sacred Balinese Blessing!
Our beloved Nikole Kadel from our team hosts an annual sacred Bali retreat and has had the rare opportunity to have her retreat attendees be blessed by High Priestess Ida Resi Alit. Here is Nikole being blessed in a sacred ceremony in Bali. Normally you would travel to Bali to receive such a gift; this is your once in a lifetime opportunity to have a Balinese Priestess come to America to bless our special group in a group ceremony.

After over a decade of profound servitude and devotion as a High Priestess of Bali, Ida Resi Alit is now visiting the US to spread Divine light and the spirit of global oneness.
For the last 11 years, she has been of spiritual counsel to a region of over 300,000 community members in Bangli, Bali. She continues to work closely with political leaders to conduct large ceremonies of up to 10,000 people at a time. Her incredible story and ability to heal have encouraged thousands of people from all over the world to visit her ashram Gryia Agung Budha Salahin and receive her blessings.
In 2006, Ida Resi Alit had an immensely powerful experience during meditation which earned her the distinction as a "revenant" or “rebirth” (one who has come back from the dead). From that moment forward, she suddenly displayed exceptional skills including the ability to speak several ancient languages and perform complicated religious ceremonies.
At 20 years old she was brought to the Council of Hindu Dharma for testing to become a High Priestess. The tests traditionally require decades of preparation and the testing period alone takes over five years to complete. In 3 short months, she passed all the trials and tests. In 2007 she was ordained "High Priestess" by the Council of Hindu Dharma becoming the youngest known person to ever receive this title (a position typically only given to men).
She describes her mission as being to create harmony between people, the environment, and spirit.
See the schedule below for more details about the Blessing she will be leading us through...
Awakening A New World Together
We, as Goddesses, are the key to awakening a new world where peace is the currency. As women, we are the sacred womb of creation and we are destined to bring forth a new healed world on behalf of all of humankind.
When we come together in community, our power multiplies and our heightened vibration reverberates through the cosmos. As we play in the healing Goddess energies of Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, Lady Nada, Lakshmi, Quan Yin and others -- you will be simultaneously be healing your core wounds and re-coding your cells for the highest expression of love and joy!
2 ½ Days Of Powerful Facilitation, Ancient Goddess Ceremonies, Sacred Dance, Crystal Singing Bowls And So Much More!
Friday Evening:
Goddess Welcome Ceremony with Rikka
9:30-1:30: Morning Session with Rikka:
Laugh, learn and play as Rikka takes you through morning meditations and facilitations to uncover the REAL you...not the one you were programmed to believe is you.
We will dance, sing and play in the magic of being a Divine Priestess!
1:30- 3:30pm: Lunch & Personal Time
Take two hours to yourself to integrate what you’ve experienced, fill your body with nourishing food and get ready for what comes next!
3:30- 5:30pm: Evening Session & Ceremonies with Rikka
Rikka will guide you into your own Divine, sacred nature--opening your intuition and unleashing the magnificent light within you!
***SPECIAL GUEST -- High Priestess Ida Resi Alit***
Saturday Evening:
7pm- 9pm: Sacred Balinese Blessing
A very special blessing ceremony where you will be lead into a deep and powerful meditation where you will experience the healing effect of Ancient Mantras, Mudras, and Chanting. We ask you to listen with your heart while High Priestess of Bali, Ida Resi Alit seamlessly transitions through a wide variety of ancient languages evoking universal peace and harmony.
The ceremony will close with a traditional Balinese ritual cleansing using holy water to help you release negative energy, raise your consciousness, and empower you to find your path towards dharma.
Crystal Singing Bowls & Rikka's Songs
We often start or end the day by having our bodies nourished and aligned with Rikka singing to powerful, high-vibration Crystal Singing Bowls. You will join her in song and celebration as we make stunning music together.
Balinese Jewelry, Bodywork, Massage & More
You will have the opportunity to further pamper your inner Goddess with a select group of conscious vendors. Treat yourself to a unique piece of Balinese jewelry or a lymphatic massage-- there will be conscious vendors onsite to take care of you!
...and this is just a fraction of what you will experience!
I promise, this magical gathering is going to be out-of-this-world. You don’t want to miss it!

Let’s exponentially spread the Powerful Goddess Energy that we are when we unite as a Collective!
There is miraculous power that occurs when women come together.
Because of our natural abilities to love, support and nurture unconditionally-- we not only help heal and lift each other up, we also send this incredible vibration out into the world.
(After you register, you will receive an email in the upcoming days to RSVP your friend. Start asking around NOW!)
Lodging & Special Room Rates

The Ayres Hotel - Manhattan Beach/Hawthorne
Address: 14400 Hindry Ave, Hawthorne, CA 90250
Phone: (310) 536-0400
A special room block as been secured at a discounted rate just for our group.
Please call direct to book your discounted room:
Lori Higgins
Direct: 310-220-6447
Laurie Anne Hill
Direct: 310-220-6445
Meet Rikka Zimmerman
Rikka is a global leader in consciousness, creator of Life Transformed™ Classes and Coaching Certification Program, acclaimed international speaker, successful author and singer/songwriter, and she is infinitely excited to introduce her new album “The Miracle”, which debuted in the top 20 albums on Itunes!
Propelled by her unbounded love for humanity, Rikka travels the world and has worked with over 100,000 people, radiating a vibration of joy, peace and possibility in all she does. Her light is a beacon of inspiration, inviting each person on the planet to remember, embrace and BE the magnificent, unique expression of the divinity they were born to be!
She is the creator of the powerful 4-Day Life Transformed Level 1 & 2 Class, alongside 60 revolutionary private sessions that more than 120 coaches teach all over the world. Her work is known worldwide as the advanced tools and processes that one can use to create total transformation in one's life.
In addition to facilitating classes all around the world, Rikka has collaborated with internationally recognized spiritual teacher Dr. Wayne Dyer, Rev. Michael Beckwith, Lynn McTaggert, Gregg Braden, Marci Shimoff, Neale Donald Walsch, Marianne Williamson, John Assaraf, Panache Desai and other conscious leaders. Rikka appears on TV and radio shows internationally as well as featured on the covers of Conscious Journal and Living Now Magazine.
You can connect with Rikka online at the following links:
Why I’m Offering This Live Event for Just $127
Because consider this...what if you could show up in the world as the big, beautiful, loving, joyful, fun, magical, free, magnificent Goddess that you innately ARE... and spread that contagious energy to everyone who crosses your path?
Think what an impact this would have on your own life, and then how it would positively affect those around you, and then the people who encounter those people… it’s the ripple effect!
In this way, we have the biggest impact on the Collective Consciousness of our precious planet.
My in-person events are usually upward of $1,000, but once a year, I offer a class that can touch as many people as possible. Since money is one of the biggest blocks for most folks to show-up, I have made this a no-brainer, and eliminated that (preconceived) block!
During these 2 ½ Days You Will Fully Embrace Your Goddess To:
- Stop playing small to avoid judgment and release the resistance and fear
- Connect with the bright, brilliant, beautiful message you are here to share with the world
- Step into the greatness you are destined for – and start living the life of your dreams
- Enjoy deep, meaningful relationships full of love
- And so much more!
The ticket to this brand new event is just $127!
And when you register, you bring a Goddess Friend for FREE! Please don’t wait!
You will receive an email in the upcoming days to RSVP your friend. Start asking around NOW!
Beloved friend…you deserve a community to stand by you and for you -- giving you permission to be this much, this big, this blessed, this honored, this abundant, this whole, and this much joy & pleasure.
Why would you rob your beautiful self of that?
Hoping to see you soon in LA!
Refund Policy
There is no refund for Live Events. If you have an emergency and cannot attend, please contact info@adventureinoneness for review.
Disclaimer: The information provided in the Adventure In Oneness programs is not offered as medical or psychological advice and should not be considered medical or psychological advice. It is not intended to replace your relationship with your health care providers nor should you stop taking any medication. Always seek the advice of a physician or qualified health care professional regarding any mental, physical, or emotional conditions.
In accordance with the latest FTC guidelines, it is our responsibility to clearly communicate to the public that our customer testimonials are based on the unique experiences and circumstances of only a percentage of our paying clients. We cannot promise that you will experience similar benefits from using or experiencing an Adventure In Oneness product or live event.