
How to Miraculously Manifest from Divine Alignment with Source

Sunday, July 22nd at 5pm Pacific

Join me for a brand-new FREE Livestream and discover how to align yourself with Source so you can experience the profound magic of sitting in the “Director’s Chair” and creating the life of your dreams.

During this Livestream, I will introduce you to brand new, cutting edge principles that will radically shift your entire life and bring you into Divine Alignment with Source.

During our time together, you will:

  • Feel and heal core wounds creating separation
  • Expand deeper and deeper into total alignment
  • Embody infinite possibility to create the life of your dreams
  • Discover the secret of the mirror Universe and how to use it to your advantage
  • Learn more about joining me in LA for 4 life transforming days together!

My friend, you don’t want to miss this! These Principles are brand new that I downloaded from source recently I’ve been running these Principles in my own life and the effects have been mind-blowing!

Sign Up for this Free Livestream!

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This Livestream Call is to set the energetic groundwork for my upcoming Life Transformed 4-Day Intensive Retreat in Los Angeles, August 9-13. Whether you’ve already registered, or you are “on the fence” or can’t attend, I still encourage you to join the call! It’s going to be powerful and life altering!


Save Your Seat for the Livestream!

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