Your step-by-step process to unravel Judgement in your life so that you can receive the magnificent future you were put on earth to have!
Oct 27th - Friday 11am AEDT/ Noon Sydney AUSTRALIA
Oct 26th - Thursday 6pm PT US
Most people have a misconceived notion of what Judgement is. In fact most have NO IDEA about its various forms and the negative impact it has on our daily lives.
Join me for a Special Livestream to discover the TRUTH about Judgement, its effect on your happiness and the step by step processes to abolish it forever.
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When you join this Livestream we will:
- Unveil the hidden facets of Judgement in your life that you have no idea YOU are doing!
- Discover the energetics of Judgement and how it limits possibilities and creates stress and unhappiness in your life...
- Understand what fuels Judgement and the 3 Daily Tools you can use starting now to end it today to reveal a new life of Happiness and Joy!
Are you ready to give up judging you, your life, your experiences, your relationships, other people and your body?
On this Livestream we will identify how judgement unknowingly shows up in our lives, and the step-by-step process of eliminating it.
Come see how you can abolish judgement in your life forever!
Register for this Special Livestream
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This Livestream Call is to set the energetic groundwork for my upcoming Life Transformed™ 4-Day Intensive Retreat in Australia. Whether you’ve already registered, are “on the fence” or can’t attend, I still encourage you to join the call! It’s going to be powerful and eye-opening.