9-Week Livestream Masterclass
Accessing Your Consciousness Beyond The Ego
Discover how to reclaim the infinite power, freedom, magic, joy, and love that exist within you
November 16, 2021 - February 1, 2022
Are you living the life your heart truly desires? A life of wealth and abundance, loving relationships, boundless joy, enjoying your healthy and energized body?
If your life is not the way you would design it, then there is an invisible culprit creating the experiences that are showing up.
What is the invisible culprit that is limiting every aspect of your life?
Meet Your “Default Mode Network” called The Ego.
Did you know that there is a physical part of your brain called the Default Mode Network? It’s programmed with all of your decided personal thoughts and feelings about who you are and what you think life is.
This is where the consciousness of the Ego resides and is also called the “me network.” The default mode network is all of the stored information from your past experience and is set to repeat until you consciously choose to reprogram it.
And this is exactly what we will do in this class!
It’s finally time to do the work, become aware of the programming, and consciously reprogram the Ego to work for you, instead of against you!
Don’t Live On Automatic
Most people are not aware they are in the throes of the Ego’s automatic program. They believe that the Ego voice in their head IS their inner voice. When you believe that the Ego is WHO you are, you are instantly a victim to it and your consciousness is not yet empowered enough to freely create the life of your choice.
Consciously Reprogram the Ego to Serve You in the Highest
During this class you will:
- Raise your awareness and knowledge of the Ego’s presence and layers of programming in every dimension so that it can no longer automatically take over
- Know how to no longer become a victim to the Ego and claim the power back to create your life experience just as you would design it
- Learn how to access and utilize the consciousness beyond the Ego where anything and everything is possible for your life!
Consciously Reprogram Your Ego
9-Week Online Livestream Masterclass
Tuesday Evenings
Each 2-hour class of this program includes:
- A powerful Ego teaching to raise your level of awareness and understanding
- Q and A time where you will get to ask your questions and receive personal attention
- An activation to bring you into the consciousness beyond the Ego program and training on how to utilize that energy to create a life you love!
- A workbook to integrate these teachings into your life
- Weekly tools to use in your life experience to claim the power of each teaching for yourself
Are you ready to exit the Ego’s limiting program and learn how to harness the magical consciousness that is beyond the Ego?
Masterclass Modules:

Module 1:
Exposing the FALSE YOU & Reclaiming the REAL YOU
In our first class together, I will expose the invisible culprit that is responsible for everything that is currently not working in your life. You will become aware of what has been hiding in your subconscious, regarding its programming, so that you can know when IT is trying to take over your life experience.
The Ego is the automatic voice in your head. When it automatically speaks, you believe that you were the one who was thinking. These are not your thoughts, this is IT revealing its default program. If you currently believe any automatic thoughts or feelings you are currently allowing yourself to be taken over by the Ego. The first step to freedom from the Ego’s programming is becoming aware of it and embracing that IT is not YOU.
I will lead you through a powerful process to unhook you from the Ego program and set you free to work with the consciousness beyond the Ego--the real you.

Module 2:
Taking Your Power Back from The Ego Program by Unlocking All Identification and Meaning
The Ego program seduces you into its simulation of reality using beliefs and meaning. Beliefs are the structures of the program and meaning is the energy animating the program. Through the lens of those beliefs you have experiences that validate those beliefs as a real reality.
During this class, we will work to raise your awareness of the overarching mechanism that the Ego uses to hijack your consciousness and take over your life experience; beliefs. When you understand what beliefs do, and how they work, you will begin to reclaim your power so that it will have less and less of an automatic hold on you.
Would limiting beliefs affect you if they had no meaning? No.
You’ve been tricked by the Ego program to place automatic and unconscious meaning into all aspects of your life. This allows the Ego to control and manipulate your life experience into an experience of separation.
During this class we will expose all meaning for what it truly is… separation. We will take your power back from all meaning and assist you in consciously giving all your power back to Source. This will allow you to have the tools and consciousness required to end the experience of being a victim. I will guide you through an activation bringing you into the consciousness of “0 meaning” where instant magical manifestation is possible!

Module 3:
Unlocking You From The Ego’s Identity Program of Me, My, Myself, and I
How often do you hear an automatic voice in your head that identifies itself as “me, myself or I.” “I” hear that all the time, right? Yet are all of the beliefs and ideas that are being spoken of about “me, myself or I” what you have consciously chosen yourself to be? Probably not.
The Ego uses your willingness to believe that you are the program of “me, myself and I” in order to maintain its control over you. What if you are the embodiment of Source that chooses in each moment who you are choosing to experience yourself to be? What if it was time to interrupt the Ego’s version of you, for an updated chosen version of you?
This class will walk you through how to do exactly that. I will lead you through an activation that will assist you in exiting the limited “me, myself and I” program and entering into the discovery of you as an empowered being of Source.

Module 4:
“Harnessing the Power of Source: Observation, Space and Directional Awareness”
In order to create total freedom from the Ego program, you need to learn how to utilize the tools of observation, space and directional awareness. When you have harnessed the power of absolute observation (unattachment with total presence and awareness) you are free. Free to create and manifest any life and life experience of your choice.
Attachment is how the Ego anchors us to the past and 3rd dimensional consciousness. In order to access the consciousness beyond the Ego- 5th dimensional consciousness-- we must master observation, space and directional awareness.
During this class, I will guide you through how to use this magical formula to create and manifest anything, while unlocking the layers of Ego programming that have kept you from being this empowered.

Module 5:
Unlocking You, Your Body, and Source from the Ego Consciousness
The ego program has been distorting your experience of life into an experience of separation. This has affected your relationship with yourself, your relationship with your body, and with Source.
During this class, I will walk you through clearing all of the information from the ego program that has gotten in the way of you having a relationship with the real you, a relationship with body consciousness and with source consciousness. This class will blow your mind! We will unlock the wisdom and power of You, the Body and Source Consciousness so that you can live in the magic of everything.

Module 6:
Examining Core Wounds: A Breeding Ground for the Ego to Take Over Your Consciousness
We have all experienced traumas in our childhood. When we go through these traumas and aren’t able to remain in a place of love and Divine understanding we store suppressed fear, anger and hurt in our Default Mode Network. These pockets of suppressed separation become battery packs that give the Ego instant power over your consciousness.
When you are having your buttons pushed or are in any form of automatic emotional reaction, no doubt there is stored trauma. When we have stored trauma in our core wounds, we become susceptible for the Ego to automatically take over.
During this class we will expose what your core wounds are and take you through powerful activations and exercises to consciously reprogram these core wounds. So that when a button is pushed you have already installed your chosen consciousness and can consciously respond the way you choose instead of automatically reacting from the Ego.

Module 7:
Choosing From Source’s Infinite Menu Versus Selecting From the Ego’s Limited Menu
Once you become aware of the Ego program, I will show you how to consciously set yourself free from it. This is the single most powerful lesson on how to escape the endless limited experience of the Ego.
During this class, you will learn about the two different types of choice so that you can recognize when the Ego is choosing VS when you are the one choosing. Choice is vital if you want to design your life as divinely perfect for you. Yet, it is equally important to recognize WHERE you are choosing from as your consciousness is everything!
This will be a brand new teaching on choice, that you have never heard or experienced and it will blow your mind and empower you beyond your wildest imagination! You will learn the single most powerful tool to stand up to the Ego to begin consciously unwinding its hold on you, and reclaiming your power, to create a life you love.

Module 8:
Revealing Your Greatest Teacher; The Ego Program
During this teaching, you will be taken on a deep dive into your angelic awareness of how and why the Ego program was created in the first place. What is the Ego’s divine purpose? How is the Ego serving you and humanity? And how did you have a hand in designing it? Once we expose these truths you can no longer be a victim to the Ego, because you will recognize yourself as the divine creator of it.
You will be able to acknowledge and learn from the Ego as a brilliant teacher working in every dimension to bring you home to love. When it arises you will be grateful and thank it for the job that it is doing pointing out the aspects of separation where your energy may still be trapped. You will step into your true birthright as the programmer of the Ego and no longer be able to unconsciously become the program. (You will be too empowered and know too much, this changes everything!)

Module 9:
Returning to The Ego that Source Intended Aligned with The Six Principles
Now that you have raised your awareness of the Ego program, what it is, how it works, and have worked with the tools given to you in each level of the course, you will now be able to consciously choose your relationship with the Ego.
During this class, I will lead on a powerful journey deep into your divine self to reprogram the Ego voice into a voice of love and kindness. Together we will make an absolute unwavering stand for love, that will transform the Ego’s core program into serving love instead of separation from love. Imagine, permanently shifting your relationship with the voice in your head from maintaining separation to maintaining the presence of love.
I am so excited for each of you to reclaim the freedom from the false you and embrace the creator power that is your birthright so that you can experience a life you love…. That is just the way that YOU design it! This class is going to blow your mind!
Masterclass Schedule
Module 1: Tuesday, November 16th
Module 2: Tuesday, November 30th
Module 3: Tuesday, December 7th
Module 4: Tuesday, December 14th
Module 5: Tuesday, January 4th
Module 6: Tuesday, January 11th
Module 7: Tuesday, January 18th
Module 8: Tuesday, January 25th
Module 9: Tuesday, February 1st
All Times are 6pm Pacific Time Zone.
Some weeks are skipped due to the holidays.
Check Out These Incredible TRUE Stories From Participants
Bonus # 1

“Take Your Life To The Next Level” 4 Day Intensive with Rikka
(Value: $997)
Pre-recorded Livestream from Mount Shasta- Fall 2019
- Discover The Six Principles and learn how to align with Universal truth to attain lasting happiness, freedom and fulfillment
- Experience powerful processing that will rewrite your past & align your future to match your deepest desires
- Uncover the difference between your Divine Self and your Human Self so you can begin operating from your Divine self each and every day
- Re-write your core programs to open up to infinite love and possibility
- Gain an in-depth understanding of the way limited reality works and learn valuable tools that you can use in any moment to shift the patterns that have been subconsciously limiting you
- Be guided through powerful releasing activations to get rid of negative patterns for good
- Release the illusion of judgment and embrace radical self-love
- Reclaim your amazing talents and abilities

Bonus # 2
Life Transformed™ Manual
(Value: $297)
A Powerful Life Transformed Manual with Rikka’s proven tools and processes (from 10 years of facilitating thousands of people) that work to transform anything in your life. You keep this manual forever!

That’s Nearly $1,300 in Bonuses Alone!
In Other Words, You Get Absolutely EVERYTHING You Need to Transform Your Life to Embody True Success!
Upgrade to the Life Transformed Yearlong Group Coaching Program
Would you like to spend 12 months in an exclusive group coaching program with me and a supportive community of like-minded friends who are also on a committed path of transformation and expansion?
If you need someone to hold you accountable, while holding your hand and ensuring that you create the changes you so deeply desire in 2022, then Group Coaching is right for you!
Join me Live Online 3 times a month as I facilitate a Q&A & activation coaching session that brings in the brand-new, cutting-edge consciousness! You’ll be able to work with me one-on-one in a group setting by asking your questions and receiving energetic transmissions.
And, that’s just one tiny piece of the treasure trove of goodies you receive with your year-long Exclusive Group Coaching.
This Group Coaching Program also includes access to hundreds of hours of archived video and audio sessions on every topic in the world of consciousness.
PLUS, when you sign up right now, you will receive the upcoming Masterclass, Accessing Your Consciousness Beyond the Ego--as a free bonus!
And, you get an additional 3 bonus months of coaching with your first Group Coaching Livestream starting on November 17th.
So for just $3,497 you get a yearlong membership to the Life Transformed Group Coaching AND a 9-week LIVE online Masterclass!
This is an incredible opportunity where you and I get to connect together ongoing along with our beloved Group Coaching community!
Join Me For
9 Life-Changing Weeks to Access Your Consciousness Beyond The Ego!
Please Make Your Selection
Choose Just the 9 Week "Accessing Your Consciousness Beyond The Ego" Masterclass, or Add-On the Yearlong Group Coaching Program for Greater Savings.
Our Refund & Transfer Policy:
It is my deepest knowing that you will receive massive value and transformation from this 9-week online event. Therefore we are not offering cash back refunds. However, if something should arise and you cannot attend the Livestreams, you may transfer your online access to the “Consciously Reprogram Your Ego” event to a friend or colleague. Please email [email protected] requesting the transfer with the full name and email of the recipient. This is a one time transfer and does not apply to future events.
Please email [email protected]
Meet Rikka Zimmerman
Rikka is a global leader in consciousness, the creator of Adventure In Oneness, acclaimed international speaker, author, singer and songwriter. Propelled by her unbounded love for humanity, Rikka travels the world and works with thousands of people, radiating a vibration of joy, peace, possibility and Oneness in all she does.
Her light is a beacon of inspiration, inviting each person on the planet to remember, embrace and BE the magnificent, unique expression of the divine they were born to be!
Sonia Ricotti, Lead Out Loud Inc.
"I love what Rikka is creating in the world! Her happiness is contagious and her love of everyone is evident. Rikka’s ability to take people from a place of true despair and return them to the most beautiful place of self-love and adoration is magnificent!"
Jennifer McLean, CEO, McLean MasterWorks
"Rikka is one of the pre-eminant transformational teachers and healers of our time. Once you work with Rikka you will say "What story? What trauma? Instead feeling the pure embodiment of you as oneness, love and light."
Natalie Ledwell, Co-Founder Mind Movies
"If there’s anyone who knows the importance of each one of us being madly, unequivocally in love with ourselves, it’s Rikka. If you’re looking for the missing piece that will take you into your next level of success I highly recommend you work with Rikka...you won't regret it!"
Derek Rydall, Best-Selling Author & Transformational Coach
"Rikka is love embodied and pure joy in action. The transformation that Rikka creates through her facilitation is amazing — she has the ability to take people from a place of despair and return them to a place of self-love and empowerment, all in a way that is often unexpected."
Ryan Eliason, Founder of The Social Entrepreneur Empowerment Network
"I’ve grown to admire many things about Rikka, and one them is her fierce commitment to love. She really gets that love is at the root of all personal and business success. You can only love others as much as you can love yourself, and you can only serve others to the degree that you genuinely care about them – and dare I say, love them!"
Kristen Howe, Go Big Coach
“Rikka is pure, fantastic energy and the transformations she is able to guide people through are fun and filled with light. She has a unique ability to tap into the truth behind everything else and her willingness and joy in sharing that truth is contagious. Whenever I have the opportunity to share Rikka with my community I can’t wait because I know they’re in for an experience of a lifetime.”
Disclaimer: The information provided in the Adventure In Oneness programs is not offered as medical or psychological advice and should not be considered medical or psychological advice. It is not intended to replace your relationship with your health care providers nor should you stop taking any medication. Always seek the advice of a physician or qualified health care professional regarding any mental, physical, or emotional conditions.
In accordance with the latest FTC guidelines, it is our responsibility to clearly communicate to the public that our customer testimonials are based on the unique experiences and circumstances of only a percentage of our paying clients. We cannot promise that you will experience similar benefits from using or experiencing an Adventure In Oneness product or live event.