Step Into Your TRUE SELF and Authentic Destiny on this Planet
Are you ready to discover your unique talents and abilities and uncover your Divine Purpose in this lifetime?
Join me for my new Livestream on October 6th to channel the messages and vibrations of your True Self and remove all limitations holding you back.
Livestream Date and Time:
Thursday Oct. 6th at 6pm U.S. Pacific Time
Friday Oct. 7th at 12 Noon Sydney AUS Time
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You are a magnificent being that is talented beyond measure. Yet how often have you made yourself small to fit in? When fitting into what’s acceptable is more important than being your True Self, it limits every area of your life.
Once you stop holding yourself back, your life will transform in the most miraculous ways. Every aspect—success, relationships and happiness will improve.
When you join this livestream you will:
- Discover how making yourself small is holding you back from your authentic destiny and how to expand into greatness
- Learn essential steps needed to show up as your greatest self so you can experience total fulfillment and happiness
- Raise your awareness so you can listen, receive and express messages from your higher self
- And much more!
This Livestream Call is to set the energetic groundwork for my upcoming Life Transformed™ 4-Day Intensive Retreat in Australia. Whether you’ve already registered, are “on the fence” or can’t attend, I still encourage you to join the call! It’s going to be powerful and eye-opening.
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