A Sacred Goddess Ceremony to Awaken Your Divine Feminine Energy
Free Livestream Call with Rikka
March 19th (6pm Pacific/ 9pm Eastern)
Within you is a Divine Goddess waiting to emerge in all her wisdom, joy and glory. Your Inner Goddess is infinitely loving, joyful, beautiful, compassionate and one with all of creation.
She can fully express her sacred sensuality, experience Divine pleasure in everyday life, and heal humanity with her love. She is the womb of creation and the key to awakening a new and healed world.
During our Sacred Ceremony Call, you will discover how to reclaim your power and take your rightful place on the thrown of creation!
You will….
- Come Together in Community to Experience and Share in Sacred Ceremony in Harmony as One…
- Open the Floodgates to Unconditional Love Where No Fear Exists…
- Eliminate Feelings of Jealousy and Competition with Other Women by Learning to Worship Your Own Inner Goddess
- Experience a Powerful Activation to Ignite Your Higher Goddess Frequency
- Discover How to Serve and Satisfy Your Own Desires
- Tap Into Your Powerful Goddess Intuition—That Inner Voice—that Wants to Lead You HOME to Love
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The Sacred Covenant of the Goddess Circle
You are being invited into the Sacred Covent of the Goddess Circle. By accepting this invitation, you agree that… (say aloud)
I agree as the Divine Goddess that I am, that I am worthy of the love from Source-God. I am loved, I am praised, I am worshiped, I am celebrated. I accept. I allow. I am.
I agree as the Divine Goddess that I am, to honor myself as a Divine Goddess and give others permission to honor their inner goddess. I accept. I allow. I am.
I agree as the Divine Goddess that I am, to no longer judge myself, anyone, or anything. Instead I choose to love unconditionally and include everyone, everything and every experience in that unconditional, never ending, ever present love. I accept. I allow. I am.
I agree as the Divine Goddess that I am, that I am free to be and express the Divine Goddess I am in any and all ways. I accept. I allow. I am free.
I agree as the Divine Goddess that I am, that I am worthy of the richness of life, wealth and abundance in all forms. I accept. I allow. I am.
I agree as the Divine Goddess that I am, that my body is beautiful inside and out. I accept to hold that truth for all of Source-God’s creation. I accept. I allow. I am.
I agree as the Divine Goddess that I am, that I am a Divine Mother Goddess and choose to honor, care and love my body as the body of Source-God it truly is. I accept. I allow. I am.
I agree as the Divine Goddess that I am, that I am the Divine Father God and choose to allow the support, protection, safety and love that the Father has for me. I accept. I allow. I am.
I agree as the Divine Goddess that I am, to never limit the magic and possibilities of Source-God. Instead, I choose to accept the magical gift that each moment of creation offers me. I accept. I allow. I am.
I agree as the Divine Goddess that I am, to allow God to gift me a divinely suited partner that loves, honors, and cherishes the Divine Goddess that I am. I accept. I allow. I am.
I agree as the Divine Goddess that I am, that my Divine Goddess pleasure is a sacred, pure, innocent gift from God. I accept. I allow. I am.
I agree as the Divine Goddess that I am, that my past and my life are a sacred and holy gift from God. I accept. I allow. I am.
I agree as the Divine Goddess that I am, to see, acknowledge and be the Divine Goddess within myself, and hold that space for every angel in the goddess circle. I accept. I allow. I am.
As I praise every part of me, I am praising every part of creation.
As I praise every part of you, I am praising every part of creation.
I am a Divine Goddess. You are a Divine Goddess. We are Divine Goddess’
May the circle always be open, and never unbroken.
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