
Congratulations! You’re Registered!


I’m so happy you’re joining me for my powerful livestream,
“Planting Your Star Seeds for the New World.”

You’re now one step closer to Awakening YOUR New World, so you can experience the joy, love, bliss and ecstasy that IS possible when your life becomes a magical heaven on Earth!


Remember, you come from an energetic dimension that is like no other. You know things that no one else on this planet knows. These angelic awarenesses you carry deep within your heart are the star seeds of a new world!!

That’s why, during this brand new livestream, we are going to open your awareness to your unique star seeds, and begin cultivating the expansion of these seeds that will grow into full fruition during our time together in Hawaii.

The angels have asked me to guide you through three life-changing vibrational platforms to get you ready for the Quantum Shift that awaits us in Hawaii. And I’m hosting this complimentary livestream to show more people what we have in store for the Retreat, because the more who are involved in choosing and embedding these 3 platforms, the easier and more complete this shift with be in Hawaii.

This livestream is designed to lay the energetic groundwork for our upcoming Hawaii 7-Day Retreat, "Awaken Your New World". Whether you're already registered or "on the fence," this livestream is going to open up doorways to you living the dream life that is possible for you.

Would you like to learn more about the Upcoming Annual Hawaii 7-Day Retreat?

Can’t wait to “see” you there!